I'm going to remove the elevated access. But if you or someone else can point me in a direction, i'd be appreciated.
RE: Linux Client 2022.4.0 Failed to launch
RE: Linux Client 2022.4.0 Failed to launch
I opened all the files for everyone to be temporarily executable and read/write for the FAF folder. Still same error though. Is there any other files/folders that need to have updated privs?
Linux Client 2022.4.0 Failed to launch
Trying to get the newest release of the client to launch, but it's giving me a java error.
Error: Could not find or load main class install4j.com.faforever.client.Main Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: install4j.com.faforever.client.Main
I'm using openjdk-17_linux-x64_bin, and have JRE 18 installed locally on my machine. Neither seems to be working. After working with user Loapydoapy in discord, it seems to be an issue from the 2022.2.0 > 2022.4.0 releases.
RE: Linux Support
Forgive me, I found my mistake. Finally found tatsu's video and found out I needed to point the executible of the run file in the preferences. However, I do have 1 last problem I hope.
I have to start the game in windowed mode. Currently, it runs only in full screen and i only get a black screen with severe lag when moving my mouse from the audio moving over the icons. If i run via steam directly, it uses the /windowed mode just fine, however even after setting windowed mode in the game.pref file (copied and pasted from the windows version that works just fine) It still only opens in full screen.
RE: Linux Support
I successfully got Downlords client up and working finally, but now that I have I can't seem to get it to work. I keep getting Error Code 2, with the error text below.
(I did have some trouble the past two days trying to stay logged in and even connecting, though that issue seems to have subsided as today it went without a hitch but I'm unable to get past this error)
As always, any assistance would be appreciated.
java.lang.RuntimeException: Forged Alliance Crashed with exit code 2. See for more information at com.faforever.client.game.GameService.lambda$spawnTerminationListener$43(GameService.java:676) at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1130) at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:630) at java.base/java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:832)
RE: Single Player Issues
@arma473 Yup! And That's good to know about the FAF mod, I thought that's where most of the balances from FAF were coming from and I was missing out.
Where would I go about finding the logs?
Single Player Issues
Got a two fold issue I wanted to bring up real quick as I can't seem to find a mention of the issue elsewhere.
The first issue, that I was able to Maybe resolve, is when playing the campaign, I have to go into active mods and Disable the Forged Alliance Forever Mod. Not sure how much of a benefit/detriment that is to the game. This has to be done no matter what other mods are active, as I have tried it with none active besides this one.
The secondary issue, is I like playing single player, but even without mods I can no longer seem to get allies anymore. If i select a team and AI, when I go in game they are always enemies. I've tried to reinstall the game and mod to no avail. Alas this has ruined any single player skirmishes for me sadly.
Any help in these matters would be greatly appreciated, and I do not mind sending any logs as needed. Just need to know which ones and where to locate them.