blowup the nuclear missile launcher before it fires
RE: Sometimes nuclear bombs can't be prevented.
RE: Points of Imbalance.
I have also forgotten to add, None of this factors in the adjacency bonus of having factories connected to mass and power buildings lowering total costs, you could easily shave another 10% of a mobile armies mass costs from every single unit in comparison to an experimental that has no way of reducing its cost in any form
RE: Points of Imbalance.
This thread filled with direct comparisons of the monkeylord and other experimentals to blobs of only expensive units like bricks and percies is very unrealistic for a simple reason, its because most players don't use units such as t1 and t2 air, t2 mobile shields and t1 artillery spam in combination with t3 heavy units to easily crush monkeylords and moderatly overwhelm the galactic collosus and even chicken(lightning ball after death needs balance work).
For the price of 1 percy or brick you can get 35 t1 artillery with a combined dps (according to the unit database) of 1300 for cybran 2300 for uef 3500 for aeon(misses alot say 1750) and 1700 for the zhue(more expensive), that is ignoring all t2 units and any mobile or emplaced shields that might assist the army from prior combat and firebases, you can also drop engineers with a transport and build shields for the army in the time it takes any experimental to slowly walk its fatass across the map.
Experimentals veterancy is the single and only thing that helps them from being totally cost ineffective (useless), They exist only as a concentration unit to help break entrenched positions with massive support from your land army and air forces. If we take the numbers from previous posts and do some gentle tweaking within comparable mass costs we get these values
ML: 20000 mass, 27500 BT DPS 4000
10 bricks: 12800 mass, 48000 BT DPS 3120
15 bricks: 19200 mass, 72000 BT DPS 4680
8 bricks 10240 mass 71 medusas 2560 mass BT IDGAF DPS 5196 TOTAL MASS 12800
10 bricks 12800 mass 177 medusas 6400 mass BT IDGAF DPS 9846 TOTAL MASS 19200
this is not factoring any shields or any sort of air support vs a single monkeylord at comparable cost, with minor positioning and air support or artillery a monkeylord is literally suiciding to attack any position by itself, mass inefficient beyond belief.Experimentals exist only as a superheavy base breaking unit that sacrifices extreme cost for a chance at damaging heavily defended areas, this doesn't include the fact that if an experimental is sniped it can be the end for you or your team since it deposits a giant load of mass on the enemies doorstep since the reclaim system has issues
RE: Cybran Frigates
buffing the uef frigate would be game breaking in combination with uefs shield boat and late game t3 ships / hover units
RE: Monkey Lord - roleless T4 that needs a Buff
the monkeylord couldn't be as strong as other experimentals because the brick and loyalist were directly superior to other races comparable ground BEFORE nerfs, Now the monkeylords escort units are weaker and it has actually received a price and build time increase making its role more clouded as per original post, i would support a health and price increase to balance the monkeylord better not a dubious stealth or movement speed buff
RE: Merge engineers into support engineers to circumvent pathing issues.
i like the deploying engineer idea or merging them based on tech level using a mass to merge inefficiency ratio so 5 t1 engys become a t2 and 12 t1 engys become a t3 engineer to discourage blatantly spamming t1 engys and expecting a 100% conversion ratio with no penalties
RE: Alternative to game quality indicator - Handicaps/Bonuses
i love this idea it has my vote to buff lower rank players with unimaginable bonus's
RE: Low health ACU speed boost
i want this idea to be implemented and give the cybran acu spider legs as payment for my vote
RE: Alternative to game quality indicator - Handicaps/Bonuses
so what your saying is we transfer ownership of everything to the lowest rated player and now his t1 tanks have 900 hp each and we just gota scream at him to turn the factories on
RE: About Neroxis map generator...
random map generator is the only good thing thats happend to faf in forever
RE: buff brick and loyalist back to original hp values, nerf loyalist fire rate
@biass can you link the original posts for the justification to why the loyalist and brick were nerfed or point me in the direction of where to find the original justification on my own? I will need to make a replay of testing the deciever and why its only semi functional compared to a shield in direct combat
RE: buff brick and loyalist back to original hp values, nerf loyalist fire rate , this article professionally provided by FtXCommando provides relevant information to why cybran has issues
RE: buff brick and loyalist back to original hp values, nerf loyalist fire rate
i like bennis he makes alot of good points that are ignored