@femboy Thanks for the post and help man! I'll reach out to them

RE: Looking for a Clan/Guild
RE: FAF Analytics
What an insane tool you made, well done sir ! Quite the work you made
Looking for a Clan/Guild
Hi there
Newbie here trying to become a powerfull commander, and was wondering if there is any clans to join?
Pref. EU based time wise, so there is an actual chance of being online while it matters ^^
But mainly just to find some people to play and learn with in my ever struggle to learn this game
RE: Game patch 3728
Fantastic work ! I think its really impressive and not only honorable that you keep improving the game and add features. Such passion is rarely seen!
Thank you
RE: Searching Mentor - Freshling starting
THank you both so much for the info
I'll check out the discord and def. check out your tutorials Femboy. Thanks alot and see you around
Searching Mentor - Freshling starting
I discovered this wonderfull game, watched a dozen replays at Gyle youtube channel and fell in love with this RTS and saw a wonderfull community around it with vet. players and so much passion. I had to join
I have almost no playtime yet, and im starting from scratch with the wisdom from replays only. and I was hoping to find someone to share my "path to glory" with
It's nothing like on any regulair basis, or fixed hours. Just more like a friendly observer who when it fits both parties can join in and teach me the ways.
While i might not have much experience in this game, I am a vet. RTS player who always goes to far and puts to much pride on my performance. So you can expect I will do everthing to improve my performance.
It would just be great not having to solo all the way
Regardless, hope to see lots of you on the field once I get the nerve to join some real matches
Happy holidays !