With UEF it works (although the AI tends to build one offensive unit in the land factory before it builds an engineer). With Aeon, not so much: https://replay.faforever.com/23171674
RE: M28AI Devlog (v211)
RE: M28AI Devlog (v211)
There was nothing left, just the ACU. It built a land factory first and then just went around in circles, never building a power gen or a mex. (ACU was in its spawn point with mex spots around it.)
RE: M28AI Devlog (v211)
Thanks, Maudlin. The AI now reliably builds a single land factory after losing its base. But then, nothing happens. Replay (again with some mods enabled, hopefully without causing desyncs): https://replay.faforever.com/23163222
RE: M28AI Devlog (v211)
maudlin, I've tried to generate a replay showing the ACU doing nothing except for running in circles when the ACU is the M28's only unit in the game. Replay #23151227
I've deactivated all mods except for M28, Total Mayhem, and Black Ops. I hope this one works without desyncs. The interesting part starts around 00:50:00. -
RE: M28AI Devlog (v211)
@maudlin27 said in M28AI Devlog (v119):
@Hammi I'll have a look but if all of M28's power was destroyed then it's not something I'm likely to be able to solve - it should already prioritise building more power in such scenarios, but as the game will be lost if the opponent has killed all of its power, there's a limit to what I can do (without either negatively impacting its normal logic, or further complicating already cpu intensive processes for pausing units when stalling energy)
I just find it interesting that the AI doesn't actually start again from scratch by building power. It just builds a factory and then sits there.
RE: M28AI Devlog (v211)
@maudlin27 Thanks again for your ongoing development of this great AI. Just played a game against the latest version. If you like and have a look at replay #23108870 from 51 mins on. The AI does strange things/nothing to recover from a situation where it has lost all energy generators.
Surely an exceptional case and probably something not in your key focus. But maybe there is an easy fix to this behavior?
RE: M28AI Devlog (v211)
@maudlin27 said in M28AI Devlog (v100):
M28 turns 100!
Congratulations to a great anniversary and achievement, and thanks for this great contribution!
- New AIx overwhelm mode where M28 can gradually get stronger or weaker over the course of the game - 3 new config settings have been added allowing you to specify the rate of change in the AIx modifier, how frequently it changes, and when it stops changing.
THANKS!!! specifically for this one.
RE: M28AI Devlog (v211)
Quick question: Any way to enable the overwhelm cheat option for M28? Unless I'm mistaken, this setting has not effect on M28.
RE: M28AI Devlog (v211)
The link to the replay is the one I posted above: https://replay.faforever.com/22323052
As mentioned above, from about 1:24 energy is crappy until about 2:09.If you need anything else, please let me know!
RE: M28AI Devlog (v211)
Yes, the QRA stems from the Blackops FAF: Unleashed or the Total Mayhem mod. Not sure if the issue is (only) how often it is built. Energy management gets out of control, and the units are essentially just kept in the base. The first issue renders all shields useless, and the second causes all this investment to be essentially invain. But I guess it's not easy/possible to fix energy management?
RE: M28AI Devlog (v211)
As mentioned before, I do agree that this is by far the best AI there is for FAF.
Let me just try to follow up the other message that I sent above on M28AI playing the Seraphim. Because in the many games that I've meanwhile played, it seems that the Seraphim come with a bit of a challenge of their own for the AI, making it a much less challenging opponent. Energy management appears to be an issue, possibly in conjunction with the Quantum Rift Archways. After it has built a QRA (and it always builds multiple), it struggles with energy for quite some time and is keeping shields down etc. Also, it's typical for the AI to run into unit cap issues later, also complaining about it in the chat, while it keeps piling up all units in its base.
https://replay.faforever.com/22323052 is an example for this. It is having energy issues before, but after completing its 4th Quantum Rift Archway at 1:25, it takes until 2:09 (almost 45 minutes) to get it's energy handling back up and the shields stable.
Also, what the AI never tries as a Seraphim is building (their unique) nuke launchers for nuke spamming, or mass attacks with air units. Also experimental unit attacks as such are very rare, but that might just be because of the energy problems caused by the Quantum Rift Archways.
This is not intended as a complaint, but just as hopefully helpful feedback to improve this AI even further!
RE: M28AI Devlog (v211)
@maudlin27 Thanks for being willing to look into this. This is the replay: https://replay.faforever.com/22129264
As you can see, the AI plays ok until about an hour into a game. It then completes a Quantum Arch, which apparently stalls its economy in an unforeseen way (can't see any enemy influence causing this). It then appears to build energy gens to compensate for that. Even after economy has recovered, all it appears to do it wait for few units to exit the arch. Further energy gens have been planned, but are not being built.
After 25 mins, I ran out of patience.
RE: M28AI Devlog (v211)
Hi, came here first to say THANK YOU to @maudlin27 for his great work in developing another AI. I almost exclusively play against an AI with a friend, and M28 has made this much, much more interesting again!
Secondly, I noticed that, e.g., on map TeamdefensebyKC, M28 is, after some period of time, just sitting there, doing nothing at all. I just setup a game with just me and a few AI to test just that. If it should be of interest, I do have a game log and a replay saved here.