Addendum: We (aged between 40 and 62) play FAF regularly once a month and would be happy to have more players.
RE: are there 40+ years old FAF players ?
RE: are there 40+ years old FAF players ?
Hi all, i am 62 Years old and Like To Play this Game.
Feel free To contact me.
Greetings from Rychy
the function right click and the mouse ans press shift on an extractor (Tech 2 or 3
Good day,
the function right click and the mouse ans press shift on an extractor (Tech 2 or 3) and then you sort of automatically arrange four mass storages around an extractor does not work for me. Not even after installing FAF on another PC.
Tips would be nice
RE: Looking for players for Forged Alliance, Suche Mitspieler für Forged Alliance.
Moin die Herren, das Rating liegt zwischen 400 und 1200.
Wenn Ihr Interesse habt, meldet Euch gerne per Mail bei mir. ([email protected]) Viele Grüsse von Riccardo
RE: Looking for players for Forged Alliance, Suche Mitspieler für Forged Alliance.
Hi JWhite, freue mich über Deine Nachricht. Bitte melde Dich unter
bei mir. Viele Grüsse von Riccardo