Where can I find some description (detailed ones) about all the FAF's AI and the differences between them?
Where can I find some description (detailed ones) about all the FAF's AI and the differences between them?
Update: after FAF client update matches count changed and now is 133, so it is working! Thanks!
...and how AI Sorian Adaptive is choosing different types of AI before the game? Only based on the type of the map or also sth else?
...and how AI Sorian Adaptive is choosing different types of AI before the game? Only based on the type of the map or also sth else?
Where can I find some description (detailed ones) about all the FAF's AI and the differences between them?
How can I delete uploaded map on the server? I noticed texture bug I want to update the map with the corrected version.
Unfortunately I realized that after 2 won games points did not changed, so the same problem appeared again. Number of games stucked on 137 score and is constant. So I have the same story.....like lastly.
Please help
Update: after FAF client update matches count changed and now is 133, so it is working! Thanks!
The points are changing. I won a match and 2 points were added but, the count of all matches in Season dod not change. It is still 132 matches like it was.
Currently I am installing FAF update, so maybe it will help?
Yeeesss! It is working! Thx!
Thx for investigation
Thanks for answering my question The season is in progress (April 1, 2022 - June 30, 2022). Currently I played 138 matches according to "Show User Info". My rating in "Show User Info" is also changing according to my losses or wins. In Leaderboard I still have constant value of matches - still 132 matches. So the situation is not changing. Yes I have more games than in current season. I started to play FAF around April so the amount of games in Season and in general should be the same. I never played in previous seasens.
Sorry for opening new thred.