Having tried a few times to get into the pvp of FAF, the main thing I keep running into is players either being very hostile to newer, low rated, and especially grey players, as well as not understanding how the trueskill system works and entirely trusting game quality, resulting in new or grey players having a terrible experience since often if you're lucky enough to get into a game it'll be stacked against you. Another thing is how when you're grey you still impact the ratings of others fully, so players who've got a decent rating will refuse to play ranked games with greys lest they ruin their own rating.

Best posts made by TOOTHBRUSHDUCK
RE: Why would you have left FAF?
RE: Read-only sections on the forum
that would actually be very interesting. You hear a lot of balance talk, but relatively little from the balance team and their reasons for things, and it can make some things apparent that otherwise go unnoticed by most and make what can feel like meaningless nerfs/buffs
Latest posts made by TOOTHBRUSHDUCK
RE: Why would you have left FAF?
Having tried a few times to get into the pvp of FAF, the main thing I keep running into is players either being very hostile to newer, low rated, and especially grey players, as well as not understanding how the trueskill system works and entirely trusting game quality, resulting in new or grey players having a terrible experience since often if you're lucky enough to get into a game it'll be stacked against you. Another thing is how when you're grey you still impact the ratings of others fully, so players who've got a decent rating will refuse to play ranked games with greys lest they ruin their own rating.
RE: Engineering Station / Drone behavior
for the SML, given the massive amount needed to make it work, perhaps they don't auto-assist SML, but can still assist it if manually assigned to - tiny increase to the APM requirement to do it, but also means they're less likely to get stuck on aiding it
RE: Atlantis
To be fair, they would need rather extreme arcs to sink enough to be meaningfully close to a sub if they fired at the surface where it was - remember, battleship guns aren't made for high arc shots, so while they can arc relatively well depending on the ship, they are far from mortars or such where the shell lands more vertically than horizontally. As for the argument over the sub balance I certainly can't comment meaningfully, that's for the balance team to do, but I can agree the Atlantis feels relatively weak most of the time
RE: Veterancy removal for most units
I'd say T3 land and navy in particular at least should retain it, and maybe T3 gunships? But the worst offenders, ASFs, and maybe huge spam of T1 could easily have it removed. ASFs get virtually no benefit out of it, yet it's what turns ASF wars into slideshows
RE: Units move in opposite direction they are ordered...
It does look a bit weird, but it's a lot better for gameplay. There's a balance between units pathfind so badly that it's annoying to use, and there being a way to use pathfinder to get an advantage. IMO, the 'bouncing' units do when they hit each other just makes it far far worse, since they not only can't go forward, they bounce backwards, and get 'stunned' for a moment for movement
RE: Read-only sections on the forum
that would actually be very interesting. You hear a lot of balance talk, but relatively little from the balance team and their reasons for things, and it can make some things apparent that otherwise go unnoticed by most and make what can feel like meaningless nerfs/buffs
RE: Unit Creation Tourney #1 (October of 2020)
@KaletheQuick I did some thinking on that, and there are a few options I considered. Set-up could be a good balance option, but doesn't feel very Aeon, since it's a pretty significant thing they don't have it. Having it be a hover tank also runs into the issue of hover is rather strong, and it could give them an unneeded edge in navy if they had a siege unit that could use it's main weapon against ships. My best thought was a unit that fills somewhat of a 'middle' ground between the harbinger and galactic colossus, since despite both being walkers they are very different, like there's a missing design step. Perhaps a heavy walker, using a similar design philosophy to the harbinger of being more expensive that it's counter-parts in return for being a stronger unit? It could out-range and out-damage the other siege bots, but have a low RoF and lack other weapons to make it shine as a siege unit.
It's a shame I have literally no idea how to do stuff with modelling else I would probably try make it myself.
RE: Unit Creation Tourney #1 (October of 2020)
Would love to see an aeon land unit that uses an oblivion cannon, especially since they lack a siege unit in the land role.
Mostly I just want to see oblivion cannon shots more often in land battles.