Rework idea for T2 Engineering Stations
An idea i had a few minutes ago (you can find the full discussion in the discord channel if you're interested). Basically a suggestion to potentially make engineering stations a stable part of gameplay, while also using them to overcome current engine limits (specifically pathing). I'll copy what i said in the DS:
"The purpose would be to have a lot of buildforce that can't get pathblocked for maximum building efficiency in later stages of the game
The changes:
Engie stations costs shouldn't differ too much from engies (cost is about 10 points of mass per point of BP), so around 200+ mass, they are currently around double the cost (350 hive, 525 kennel, for 20 BP) . (Will they completely substitute engies if we do this? Look at point 3)
Engie stations should be available to every faction as a "pathfinding on big numbers" solution (new units, understandable resistance from FAF as per tradition)
Engie stations should be more hive-like than kennel like. This means that their area of assistance should be limited to a ring, dimensions to be defined, i'm thinking something like 2-3x current lv3 hive size. This should prevent them to superseed engineers, after all you don't want all the BP in one place and unable to move (should we keep kennel mobile as UEF faction diversity/advantage?). Also remember that they can't start a project, although this issue is solved by a single engie, still worth noting.
Engie stations should be unable to actively reclaim alive enemy units (still able to suck allies tho, in case someone forgets a unit on your main base and you need to build fast), meaning they shouldn't be able to act like point defenses melting the oncoming t2 units raid (i've seen ilshies drained in seconds by a few hives, unhealthy af especially if stations are to become more common). We might add a function of passive reclaim, or maybe a button to tell them to reclaim everything in range. This is where hives outshine kennels imo, the instant range instead of having a drone with a small build range move and then reclaim.
Engie stations could get a "filter" to not get stuck on building like SMD and nuke unless you want them to (engine?)."