BrewLAN Hanging on Load Screen

After a recent patch, my games hang on the loading screen when I start the game. Tracked it down to the BrewLAN mod, version 84. Is anyone else having this issue, or know of a fix?

Is it hanging after it tells you that you have to kick players and you say yes? If yes, I and a friend have the same issue, it is related to not being able to kick players.

@praxitele said in BrewLAN Hanging on Load Screen:

After a recent patch, my games hang on the loading screen when I start the game. Tracked it down to the BrewLAN mod, version 84. Is anyone else having this issue, or know of a fix?

The author is aware but no fix has been released so far.

A work of art is never finished, merely abandoned

An 8.9.9 version was released recently, but it seemed to have the same issue and has been removed from the mods list already. Hoping for a fix soon as many of my favorite mods are brewlan related.