Economy problem
Or rather I flaw in the game design that has persisted for years. Such that the game can't handle a unit with two economy draws.
Example: A shielded unit that can also build...
Which is further compounded by thing that must build ammo to fire. Applying shielding to such a unit is impossible without breaking the economy draw of that unit.
Added a small change to a snippet I've taken from FAF's Unit.lua to allow a shielded unit to build silo ammo when keeping accurate build costs. The below script is running within a single unit only, so this isnt hook'd into the whole game.
UpdateConsumptionValues = function(self) local energy_rate = 0 local mass_rate = 0 if self.ActiveConsumption then local focus = self:GetFocusUnit() local time = 1 local mass = 0 local energy = 0 local targetData local baseData local repairRatio = 0.75 if focus then -- Always inherit work status of focus self:InheritWork(focus) end if self.WorkItem then -- Enhancement targetData = self.WorkItem elseif focus then -- Handling upgrades if self:IsUnitState('Upgrading') then baseData = self.Blueprint.Economy -- Upgrading myself, subtract ev. baseCost elseif focus.originalBuilder and not focus.originalBuilder.Dead and focus.originalBuilder:IsUnitState('Upgrading') and focus.originalBuilder:GetFocusUnit() == focus then baseData = focus.originalBuilder:GetBlueprint().Economy end if baseData then targetData = focus:GetBlueprint().Economy end end if targetData then -- Upgrade/enhancement time, energy, mass = Game.GetConstructEconomyModel(self, targetData, baseData) elseif focus then -- Building/repairing something if focus:IsUnitState('SiloBuildingAmmo') then local siloBuildRate = focus:GetBuildRate() or 1 time, energy, mass = focus:GetBuildCosts(focus.SiloProjectile) energy = ( (energy / siloBuildRate) * (self:GetBuildRate() or 0) ) + focus:GetConsumptionPerSecondEnergy() mass = ( (mass / siloBuildRate) * (self:GetBuildRate() or 0) ) + focus:GetConsumptionPerSecondMass() else time, energy, mass = self:GetBuildCosts(focus:GetBlueprint()) if self:IsUnitState('Repairing') and focus.isFinishedUnit then energy = energy * repairRatio mass = mass * repairRatio end end end energy = math.max(0, energy * (self.EnergyBuildAdjMod or 1)) mass = math.max(0, mass * (self.MassBuildAdjMod or 1)) energy_rate = energy / time mass_rate = mass / time end local myBlueprint = self.Blueprint if self.MaintenanceConsumption then local mai_energy = (self.EnergyMaintenanceConsumptionOverride or myBlueprint.Economy.MaintenanceConsumptionPerSecondEnergy) or 0 local mai_mass = myBlueprint.Economy.MaintenanceConsumptionPerSecondMass or 0 -- Apply economic bonuses mai_energy = mai_energy * (100 + (self.EnergyModifier or 0)) * (self.EnergyMaintAdjMod or 1) * 0.01 mai_mass = mai_mass * (100 + (self.MassModifier or 0)) * (self.MassMaintAdjMod or 1) * 0.01 energy_rate = energy_rate + mai_energy mass_rate = mass_rate + mai_mass end -- Apply minimum rates energy_rate = math.max(energy_rate, myBlueprint.Economy.MinConsumptionPerSecondEnergy or 0) mass_rate = math.max(mass_rate, myBlueprint.Economy.MinConsumptionPerSecondMass or 0) self:SetConsumptionPerSecondEnergy(energy_rate) self:SetConsumptionPerSecondMass(mass_rate) self:SetConsumptionActive(energy_rate > 0 or mass_rate > 0) end,
This is just a quick fix and is by no means perfect... Will mess with this more as time allows.
@resin_smoker said in Economy problem:
Or rather I flaw in the game design that has persisted for years. Such that the game can't handle a unit with two economy draws.
You're right - it was known from the start too. Extractors have the same problem, and it is why this code exists even in the Steam distribution.