Need another perspective: Personal Shield enhancements, what's wrong here ?

I've several 4DC units I'm working on that can self enhance to have personal shields. For all intensive purposes in comparison with the FAF client UAL0101 (Aeon commanders scripts & bp) these units should be setup correctly. However, what I am seeing is that the units can perform the enhancement but upon completions throw the following error...

WARNING: Error running /lua/sim/tasks/EnhanceTask.lua script in CScriptObject at 1974e8f0: ...alliance\mods\4dfaf\units\ual0108\ual0108_script.lua(28): attempt to call method `CreatePersonalShield' (a nil value)
         stack traceback:
         	...alliance\mods\4dfaf\units\ual0108\ual0108_script.lua(28): in function `CreateEnhancement'-         	...gramdata\faforever\gamedata\lua.nx2\lua\sim\unit.lua(4306): in function `OnWorkEnd'
         	...rever\gamedata\lua.nx2\lua\sim\tasks\enhancetask.lua(85): in function <...rever\gamedata\lua.nx2\lua\sim\tasks\enhancetask.lua:59>

I've gone over this unit with a fine tooth comb, checking and rechecking the pathing and verifying the structure of the enhancement in comparison with the Aeon commanders UAL0101 (FAF Client version).

Unit Script

--	File	 : /units/ual0108/ual0108_script.lua
--	Author(s): EbolaSoup, Resin Smoker, Optimus Prime, Vissroid
--	Summary  : Aeon light assault walker
--	Copyright © 2024 4DFAF, All rights reserved.

local AWalkingLandUnit = import('/lua/aeonunits.lua').AWalkingLandUnit
local ADFLaserLightWeapon = import('/lua/aeonweapons.lua').ADFLaserLightWeapon
local AAAZealotMissileWeapon = import('/lua/aeonweapons.lua').AAAZealotMissileWeapon

ual0108 = Class(AWalkingLandUnit) {
	Weapons = {
		MainGun = Class(ADFLaserLightWeapon) {},
		RocketBackpack = Class(AAAZealotMissileWeapon) {},

	CreateEnhancement = function(self, enh)
		AWalkingLandUnit.CreateEnhancement(self, enh)
		local bp = self:GetBlueprint().Enhancements[enh]
		if enh == 'PersonalShield' then
			self:SetEnergyMaintenanceConsumptionOverride(bp.MaintenanceConsumptionPerSecondEnergy or 0)
		elseif enh == 'PersonalShieldRemove' then
TypeClass = ual0108

Unit Blueprint snippet

	Enhancements = {
		Slots = {
			Back = {
				name = '<LOC _Back>',
				x = -2,
				y = -5,
		PersonalShield = {
			BuildCostEnergy = 200,
			BuildCostMass = 40,
			BuildTime = 167,
			Icon = 'ptsg',
			ImpactEffects = 'AeonShieldHit01',
			MaintenanceConsumptionPerSecondEnergy = 5,
			Name = '<LOC enhancements_0014>Personal Shield Generator',
			OwnerShieldMesh = '/mods/4DFAF/units/ual0108/ual0108_PersonalShield_mesh',
                        PersonalShield = true,			
			RegenAssistMult = 10,
			ShieldEnergyDrainRechargeTime = 5,
			ShieldMaxHealth = 150,
			ShieldRechargeTime = 5,
			ShieldRegenRate = 10,
			ShieldRegenStartTime = 0.1,
			Slot = 'Back',
			UpgradeUnitAmbientBones = {
			UpgradeEffectBones = {
		PersonalShieldRemove = {
			BuildCostEnergy = 1,
			BuildCostMass = 1,
			BuildTime = 0.1,
			Icon = 'ptsg',
			Name = '<LOC enhancements_0017>Remove Personal Shield',
			Prerequisite = 'PersonalShield',
			RemoveEnhancements = {
			Slot = 'Back',

My unit path is /mods/4DFAF/units/ual0108....

Can anyone spot what i may be missing from the enhancement process to throw the error posted above?

Thanks in advance!


I don't see a CreatePersonalShield in FAF code, did you mean CreateShield?

@nomander I'm not calling it directly, the create enhancement is. Same as how the commander does when it enhances itself.

Also create shield from unit.lua contains the following...

    CreateShield = function(self, bpShield)
        -- Copy the shield template so we don't alter the blueprint table.
        local bpShield = table.deepcopy(bpShield)

        if bpShield.PersonalShield then
            self.MyShield = PersonalShield(bpShield, self)
        elseif bpShield.AntiArtilleryShield then
            self.MyShield = AntiArtilleryShield(bpShield, self)
        elseif bpShield.PersonalBubble then
            self.MyShield = PersonalBubble(bpShield, self)
        elseif bpShield.TransportShield then
            self.MyShield = TransportShield(bpShield, self)
            self.MyShield = Shield(bpShield, self)


Thus when create shield is called, the type of shield is later chosen.

self:CreatePersonalShield(bp) is a function only in the Steam version. You have to use self:CreateShield(bp) in FAF.