Купил игру, скачал запустил работает. Скачал FAF из офиц сайта запустил вывхводит ошибка. Смотрел в сообществе писали надо переместить игру в вC:/ProgramData/FAForever/Bin.
@hedgeho By your screen shots, you appear to have 2 issues.
For the first issue, all versions of SCFA have a difficult time with using network storage systems like OneDrive, Dropbox, etc., so it's highly recommended that you either create a new folder for where FAF will store your maps/mods, such as in the FAF Data Location itself (default is C:\ProgramData\FAForever), a folder at the root of your main drive or on an external drive, & then go to FAF client > top left menu > Settings > Forged Alliance Forever > Maps and Mods Location > Choose... & select the folder you just created or select an already existing folder that isn't on OneDrive.
For the second issue, I can't make out what it could be by the screen shot alone, so please click the Reply button at the bottom between the
(View) icon & the "Mark unread" button. Next, please go to client > top left menu > Show logs folder > logs > sort by Date Modified. From there, drag/drop your client.log file (the Text Document file without the date) into the Reply message window so those that can help (not me) have that data to look at.
В этом пути не должно быть oneDrive или русских букв, нужно создать новую папку где хочешь и прописать путь к ней