Causing matchmaking failure despite having ideal internet connection
My main issue is that I cannot play with matchmaker as it fails to connect me despite my internet connection and speed being ideal and never fluctuating. I want to play but feel bad now because I am causing these games to fail. And on the occasions I do get into a game, the connection in game is perfectly normal. the issue seemed to start with 3v3 games, and I could play other modes just fine, but now its disconnecting from all matchmaker modes. The connectivity indicator in the bottom right corner never says that I am disconnected. Regardless of who else is online near me, the connection always fails. I have no problem joining custom lobbies and I can run replays without a hitch.
update: cannot seem to connect to lobbies. tested my bf's account who is right next to me and he was able to connect without a hitch to a 1v1 matchmaker.
@lou_sassol In the FAF client, go to the top left menu > Settings:
- General > Write ICE Log File > check,
- Forged Alliance Forever > Use FAF Debugger when starting Forged Alliance > check > click "Get the latest version of the debugger",
- Allow the ICE adapter to use IPv6 > unchecked,
- Preferred Coturns for ICE > select only Global,
Next, quit the client (check Task Manager). Once it's completely closed, open the client again & play.
The next time you join a game & have connection issues, click the Reply button at the bottom between the
(View) icon & the "Mark unread" button. Next, please go to client > top left menu > Show logs folder > logs > sort by Date Modified, then drag/drop these files into the Reply message window so those that can help (not me) have that data to look at:
- client.log file (the Text Document file without the date),
- ice-adapter.log & advanced-ice-adapter.log (both in a separate folder)
These are the logs I obtained most recently from a disconnect whilst matching on a 3v3