Jamming proposals

@comradestryker said in Jamming proposals:

What I mean by this - and I was shocked to find out about this (Just ask @Jip) - was that Jamming blips are actually ignored by enemy units UNTIL the main unit, the one with the jammer, moves into weapons or attack range of the opposing target.

Yeah, that's absolutely shocking! (I read this before, but wanted to actually confirm it in a custom game before mentioning it - sorry, I try to double-check things now having made mistakes!)
Is it confirmed not possible to increase the target priority of a jamming 'blip' to be the same as the origin unit?

Honestly, it feels absolutely pointless without those! I admit I've certainly fallen victim to jamming in the past (I'm a noob!), but I remember specifically targeting blips, and now that I know I can just attack-move to nullify it completely, it'll never seriously bother me again unless something changes!

@sylph_ said in Jamming proposals:

Is it confirmed not possible to increase the target priority of a jamming 'blip' to be the same as the origin unit?

I think that's bad, as it just introduces some random micro tax. (at least when the original unit is scouted)
That the blips don't get targeted when the actual unit is not in range is kinda sad, but it's not really an effective in fight tool more just to confuse your opponent, but you'd need more units with jamming for it to be more effective. (not necessarily more unit types, but more units naturally on the field that have jamming)

@nex Of course, that's a good point!

I wanted to know whether it was possible, before venturing into balance discussions....
I could talk balance re: micro and UEF frigates+T2 navy struggles and such, if it's possible, but others are better qualified to do so.)

@spcr said in Jamming proposals:

  1. make jammers switch the spotted unit with any of the fake ones
  2. make radar identifications be lost once visuals are gone
  3. make the jammer blobs move in random directions
  4. switch radar ID's around (aka a T3 Air fighter could be switched with a T1 scout) and be kept like this until visuals are obtained or the unit leaves the jamming radius, ideally this should mess with defense targetting priorities .

I believe currently these all require modifications to the engine. Position and movement of jammer blobs (1.,3.) is determined in-engine by static values from Lua. I've attempted to change a strategic icon in game (4.) and met with no success. Changing intel status (2.) likewise is an in-engine thing.

Could do an entire re-implementation of jamming in lua with invisible dummy units ("light weight baby").

Ngl intel weapons sound pretty cool.