@funkoff These are good points, and you understand the game way better than I do!
I can't see FaF really changing jamming to reflect different types of real-world jamming though, it seems like a 'big ask'.
My comment above, about anti-drone lasers, wasn't complete comedy... I was thinking about the UEF 'cooper', and how naval warfare might work if the cooper had a 35-damage, 50-range anti-air beam weapon with a huge 30 second reload (to keep it's DPS down). Namely, how that might tie in to UEF's T2 naval problems (bad destroyer) by allowing their frigate's jamming be less heavily countered by air scouts.
(While still having the cooper 'feel' like a support craft).
Still, it's just a thought as to how jamming could get more interesting without major changes to the game's inner workings.