Statistics/League rank not tracked, but games played and ELO is tracked


My statistics and win/losses aren't being tracked, and the league system isnt detecting my games

Total games played are being tracked, and my rating points are being correctly updated each game (rating change is being shown in local replays, but the normal replay tab shows "rating change is not yet available)

I am using the faf-linux client if that matters

It is currently not working.

“Be a yardstick of quality. Some people aren’t used to an environment where excellence is expected.”
— Steve Jobs.
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Why? And should we expect this functionality in the near future?

For some reason, the service that provides that feature didn't come back online during the server restart on the 19th. It will require another server restart to get it back up & running, but it's not a critical service, so it will have to wait until the next planned server service, which is unknown atm.