Beta T2&T3 structure reclaim changes

Why are T2 and T3 structures going to be leaving less reclaim? The change was made because it was too dangerous to attack with T3 units because losing a fight meant donating a game-winning amount of mass, right?

You don't push with buildings, so I don't see why they need to have their reclaim values reduced aswell, except for consistency reasons (which are thrown out the window with the weird reclaim values per tech level anyway)

frick snoops!

The reclaim % thing is going to lead to a reduction in weird reclaim rules because you should be able to throw out exceptions like asf being cheaper for no reason or water suddenly making reclaim worth way less.

Also defender getting 81% of their structures makes raiding less punishing, the situation you are describing is some snowball push where you use enemy reclaim to dump into units and end the game. Think minimizing snowball is good for increasing dynamism in the game, though.

How does it lead to a reduction in weird reclaim rules when the previous scenario was 81% for everything? Have asf always had a weird reclaim value?
As for promoting T3 unit usage, i think a 16% reclaim reduction is already fine, don't need to screw over the defender by having their lost mexes/pgens/factories/pd leave less mass. I've played a bunch of beta games where I won a T3 fight and the reclaim I got from it was surprisingly little to what I'm used to

frick snoops!

asf always were half their value and water always had reclaim halved

excuse me its not in beta its main balance