Suggestion: remove "t2 to t3 mex rebuild" game mechanics maybe?
@comradestryker Yeah I guess I don't care near as much about those things. Maybe it would be possible to have the best of both worlds, and have the wreck available as soon as the animation begins. Then you get all of the benefit of the dynamic animations, AND you can issue your commands without delay. I dunno, maybe that is impossible. If it's impossible I would just prefer immediate wrecks, because I'm never thinking "oh look at that pretty animation as the building is destroyed." I'm feeling frustrated about having to wait for it to finish because I'm playing a competitive real time strategy game...
Edit: even if there is a game limitation such that you cannot begin reclaiming until after the animation completes, perhaps it could still allow the order to be queued up? This is usually the main issue, not the 1-2 second delay in being able to construct the building...except when you are trying to build new shields in an arty war.
And here we finally are:
Removes the death animation of Seraphim extractors so that they are destroyed in the same fashion as other extractors. In general reduces the death animation of structures so that you're not staring at death animations so long before being able to reclaim the wreck.
Will be part of the next release, see also:
I checked out this change on FAF Develop, and the game feels considerably more responsive when it comes to wrecks.
Especially when it comes to land factories!But, I had one concern regarding death animations.
I believe others have mentioned it before, but, I was unable to find the original post or github commit to link.My concern was that T1 pgens, and T2 mass fabs still have randomized death animations that cause them damage other wrecks near them.
As an example:
UEF T1 Pgens, and Aeon T2 Mass Fabs
This goes for all T1 pgens, all T2 mass fabs of all factions.
The same does not apply for T2/3 Pgens and T3 Mass Fabs.Will this be tackled along with the change to death animations or is that a different issue being tackled elsewhere?
Regardless, nice work! Looking forward to the release!
~ Stryker
@ComradeStryker What is the bug in question? These units have a death weapon (the explosion), wrecks should receive damage I think
Well - that is just one solution. The other is to 'fix' Sera to behave the same
. Which I think is what was done