Commander Survival Kit (A new SIM Mod)
Hi, man, it's me again. Anyway, can you give me a link to Github, and to that space mod. By the way, tell me, are the new ships only at OFZ for now? Thanks.
Hi, in the mod description I saw wonderful works related to the series (EDF).
Can you please tell me what kind of mod this is on github, because I couldn't find it (maybe I installed it incorrectly, but I downloaded it).
I would be very grateful if you give me a link to github -
Hi, the Units which are inspired by the EDF Series are included in the Unit Pack: Commander Survival Kit Units (CSK Units) The Mod is Downloadable from the official Commander Survival Kit GitHub Repository and located in the Mods Folder.Link: click on the Green Code Button to Download the Repository and Open the Archive File with 7zip/WinRAR.
Navigate into the Mods Folder and Copy/Paste the Commander Survival Kit Units Folder into your Mods Folder and activate the Mod. You will notice that the Mod has 3 new Techlevels as Well and the Large EDF Units such as the Proteus and the Jupiter Tank (Titan) can be found in the Elite Techlevel which is available by Tech 3 Engineers. CSK Units is still in Development and will get new Stuff and Improvements in the next upcoming Early Access Updates, So make Sure to keep Updated for News here, on Discord or Moddb.Best regards
Can you answer me too? Please -
Of course I answer you,
First What is OFZ?The Space Mod is called Future Battlefield Pack Orbital. The Mod is still in Development and far to be finished.
That means the majority of Units, Features and more are still Missing. You can find It Here: and UEF give you some Kind of an Early Preview already but even thier Orbital Techtree is Not finished and can be Changed in the future
Someone has Uploaded the Mod several Months ago here on the FAF Modvault without my Permission. Some people gave it negative reviews even though the mod isn't even finished and is still in development. For this reason it was removed from the FAF Modvault agian. So the GitHub Version of FBP Orbital is Early Access Material and has the Purpose for Testing only.I still looking for People who are interested to Help me Out with the Development of the Commander Survival Kit Project and Future Battlefield Pack Orbital. So If anyone is imterested let me know.
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@CDRMV 1.Thank you
2. OFZ is a faction of people. So is the fleet only for people or not? (can you also provide a link to the comander survival kit on gethub ) -
Well, I still can't do anything with the OFZ faction. Do you mean the UEF, Aeon, Cybrans, or Nomads? Because those are the four human factions I know for this game (Supreme Commander Forged Alliance/FAF).As for the GitHub link to the Commander Survival Kit, I already provided it above in my answer for TurnSkyrimIntoSC. So, you could just had to scroll up a bit and you would have find it. Or, alternatively, you can also always find the Link to the GitHub Repository on the first page of this forum post.
But here is the Link: -
Hello, CDRMV. My friend and I have a problem with the mod. We have the
"Commander Survival Kit Research" installed,
Commander Survival Kit Units,
Commander Survival Kit (Version 2.0)"
The problem is that we don't have a research button, which is why we can't advance beyond t1. Please tell me what the problem might be -
Hello Trapper,
I have check it out and notice that Commander Survival Kit Research is currently not compatible with Commander Survival Kit 2.0.1 and 2.0.2 from Github. If you activate Commander Survival Kit Research without the Commander Survival Kit the Research Button will appear again I will look into it to Fix this Issue as soon as possible to etablish the Compatiblity again.Keep in Mind that Commander Survival Kit Research is still highly in Development. So the majority of its Functions is not coded and functional yet. The current Stage of the Mod is actually some kind of an UI Presenation only rn. The UEF has an Prototype of an unfunctional Structure Reserach Tree already but thats it for now. The Development of Commander Survival Kit Research will be continued soon to finish it. So you can expect several new Content Updates related to it soon.
Best regards
Commander Survival Kit Research is now compatible with the Commander Survival Kit again.
The Issue was caused, because the Reseach Centers had the same Unit IDs of the HQ Communication Centers.
So the Game has overwrite them with the HQ Communication Centers and where no longer be available.
I have give them a new Unit ID to fix this Issue
The Fix has been uploaded on Github now. -
Don't worry is anything is alright.
It was just a hint.Ah okay I understand.
Then I was right with the UEF
I don't have learn Russian actually. I only speak and understand German, English and a Bit Spanish.About your Question above:
For which Mod is this Question related to?
FBP Orbital or CSK Units?Each Faction will get their Units in both Mods.
Not only the UEF. But keep in Mind both Mods are fully different in this Case. FBP Orbital is more focused on Space/Orbital Warfare, which includes Spaceships, Spacestations, Orbital Yards and more. CSK Units is more focused on the Planetary Warfare, which includes the new Underground Units such as the Cybran Worms, UEF Drill Tanks and more. Both Mods are including the 3 new Techlevels Elite, Hero and Titan with several specific Units as Well. -
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Thanks you! -
Okay and what is your Question for CSK Units specifically?
I didn't understand what you mean with the Fleets?
Seems like you didn't like it so much what I have mentioned in my latest response to you about CSK Units and FBP Orbital maybe but its okay of course.