@cdrmv There is a command that alters the terrain height. (forgot its name) It sets a specific area all to the same height, which isn't so great if your attempting to make craters. What we did was to apply the effect is small steps radiating outwards, with each step outwards not being as deep as the one before it. Repeat this a few times in a circumference around a point to make a realistic looking crater. The smaller the elements used the smoother the crater will be.
Beware that there is a limit to how much you can take away before the whole map becomes just an ocean. Which is profoundly game breaking, as this could be used to deny an opponent the chance to build anything.
Hold the phone... found the script in DMS !!! Not sure if this is the exact one I was working with but this should be a good start for you in any case.
#in order of aperance
#chose deformation type code for all deform functions
#artilery deformation code for most weapons
#code to deform the terain
#chose deformation type code
#czar beam
#czar die
#deformsettings = {
# artilery = { -- deforms a crater for standard artilery
# radiusI = 5, -- Radius of inner bowl
# radiusO = 6, -- Width of outer mound
# depth = 2, -- Depth of bowl
# mound = 1 -- Height of mound
# }
# Beam = {
# radius = 5, -- Radius of crater
# rate = 1 -- deduction in height per second
# }
# CZAR = {
# rotation = 180 --rotation of czar
# }
Deform = function(x, z, deformsettings)
if deformsettings.artilery then
local artilery = deformsettings.artilery
LOG('artilery crater at --> '..x..' , '..z)
artilerycrater(x,z,artilery.radiusI, artilery.radiusO, artilery.Depth, artilery.mound)
PrintText("deformsetings incorrect",20,'FFFFFFFF',10,'center')
#artilery deformation code
artilerycrater = function(x,z,radiusI,radiusO,depth,mound)
local modheights = {}
zonesize = 1
x = math.floor(x)
z = math.floor(z)
local totalradius = radiusI+radiusO
--Calculate all height changes
for j = -totalradius, totalradius-1 do
for k = -totalradius, totalradius-1 do
local radius = VDist2(j+25, k+25, 25, 25)
if radius < totalradius then
local heightmod = 0
if radius < radiusI then
-- Inner bowl
heightmod = -(math.sqrt(radiusI*radiusI - radius*radius)) * depth / radiusI
-- Outer berm
if radiusO > 0 then
local r2 = totalradius - radius
heightmod = math.sqrt(radiusO*radiusO - r2*r2) * mound / radiusO
local height = GetTerrainHeight(x + j, z + k)
modheights[table.getn(modheights)+1] = {x+j, z+k,heightmod, height}
#master deformer code
function PerformModifications(modheights)
local sizeX, sizeZ = GetMapSize()
records = table.getn(modheights)
for row = 1, records do
# gather data from table
teraindat = modheights[row]
local x = teraindat[1]
local z = teraindat[2]
local heightmod = teraindat[3]
local height = teraindat[4]
FlattenMapRect(x, z, 0, 0, height + heightmod)