How to download the faf updates from github, but not from the faf client?

ā€œI object to intellect without discipline; I object to power without constructive purpose.ā€ ā€” Spock šŸ––

@magge I mean balance patches

ā€œI object to intellect without discipline; I object to power without constructive purpose.ā€ ā€” Spock šŸ––

You can't. The patches are in a special structure and contain files that are not on GitHub.

"Nerds have a really complicated relationship with change: Change is awesome when WE'RE the ones doing it. As soon as change is coming from outside of us it becomes untrustworthy and it threatens what we think of is the familiar."
ā€“ Benno Rice

just downald replay with patch data and copypaste patch. i have 6 patches. 2 for watch old replays. other for play ofline with b@$&#@ players