Show All Mex Like Idle Factories At The Side
I wonder if its possible to show all Mex like idle factories at the side
This would make awareness of what mex you have and going through them to upgrade easier.
Yes - there is a mod called Supreme Economy which will show your MEX and their status - thru the course of the game.
@nomennominandum this usually isn’t an issue because you are at most upgrading about 4 Mex at the same time, as you get better, you’ll be upgrading your Mex one by one or two at a time depending on situation.
And unlike factories which can go idle, mexes can’t go idle
They are idle all the time and it is a game losing issue if you need to be upgrading mexes but forget to start more.
Bigger thing it would help with is catching accidental t3 mex but there are a plethora of mods that help with that already
@ftxcommando this is the real issue, nothing like seeing economy go crashing down, wonder why and 5 min later see a random t3 mex lol
It was just an idea for seeing your mexes, like 1 t3 mex, 8 t2 mex, 5 t1 mex and selecting them all. seeing how many of what mex you have and tracking down that pesky t1 mex that you overlooked.
I hate eco mods that upgrade (even if just pause) for me, it messes with my eco sense. -
Supreme Economy does all this, as previously mentioned. I use it mainly just to keep track of how many T2 mexes I currently have, but it shows upgrades in progress, and other useful economic information. It doesn't do any pausing or upgrading for you.
It is kinda funny how this game prides itself on having repeat build factories so you don't have to constantly queue up more stuff, but instead you have to constantly queue economic upgrades and tediously bring engineers around the map to ring all your mexes. Ringing mexes can be very annoying on some maps.
Consider taking look at Eco UI Tools. It provides you with panel displaying mexes and their states.
You can read more about its functions here -
Thanks for the mod suggestions, I will take a look and pick.