RCVI - Venus Rising ~ 3v3 ~ $1,500
@venacancer said in Rainbow Cup VI ~ 3v3 ~ $1,500:
I'm leaving the tournament because I don't see the point in playing against stream snipers.
Does this mean no one is planning to have a delay again and that everyone is supposed to watch the stream and do their best to pretend the don't like it's a ninja exam?
@melanol I stream to make live content for viewers. I don't see the point of streaming with a delay against a stream snipe, it will just be a stream where I play a tournament ignoring the chat and not answering questions due to the delay.
Sure thing!
Registration is fluid and
players may team up and recruit others from the single draft pool
at any time "prior" to the commencement of the draft. -
Streams are left to be decided by the Captains and the FAF Live casters.
@venacancer I thought you were talking about the official stream. Anyway, streaming a tournaments without a delay is forcing players to do ninja exams.
This post is deleted! -
M27AI has released a new Version!
DL the new version now.RNGAI released a new version a couple of days ago.
We are expecting at least one more update from
some of the modders,
that I will also notify of here, when released. -
@fearghal They may want to stop updating this close to the cup to avoid bugs during the cup.
That is True, and generally very sound advice,
These modders are the Best and
the FAF client is - also updated on a near monthly basis too.Testing both the "FAF base code" and the "AI's" are done on the FAF Develop client game type,
in conjunction with each other,
and released when determined to be stable.Hence the "new" AI versions are meant to work with the client updates.
Most of the Updated AI versions end up fixing bugs, and
actually make the AI's more stable, along with better logic.But, I do suspect - none of the AI's will have any "major" updates in
the last couple of weeks before the tourny start,
except for possible minor fixes versions. -
heeelllooo Neytron 1767
7 days left to register for the tournament.
Recruit a friend to sign up with, or
sign up as a single to get drafted onto one of 8 teams.This is the Best Rainbow Cup tourny to date, with -
A "new" shorter tournament bracket structure = Less Games,
Plus the Highest Prize Pool to date!Less games + higher pay outs! - What are you waiting for?
Don't miss out - Sign up now.
I am withdrawing from the tournament.
I signed up together with Flying_Olsen, pls keep him in the tournament.
thx for organizing -
sign me up. I don't have a team
Sign me up.
I have the power of Memes and Nukes on my side. AAAAAAAAAH
Sign up me with the TheWheelie
Hey, sign me up plz
Sign me up
Sing us up with PhantomSamurai
4v4(2015x200) + 4v4(1795x200) -
Hi Aranei and PhantomSamuri,
We are using the Jan 6th screenshot of ratings to determine the
Top 8 players and team formations.
On Jan 6 - Your ratings respectfully were: 4v4=1810 and 4v4=1710
Your recent ratings gains are not able to be factored into the
RC ratings that determine the 8 captains status's and teams.I can sign you both up as individuals though.
Ratings only really matter for the seeding of the 8 captains, and
for the teammates of these Captains to form teams within the
pre-draft 4.1K rating cap.See the Jan 6th screenshot here: (Post #5 - near top of this thread)