M28AI Devlog (v128)

v128 Update
16 changes and fixes, including:

  • Reducing the number of naval factories that get built
  • Factored in mobile shields when assessing how strong an enemy naval force is
  • Made the naval combat logic more detailed so it is more likely to take into account units that are relatively near it when deciding what to do
  • 7 LOUD specific changes, including fixing an incompatibility resulting from the latest LOUD 7.10 release, and fixing an issue that meant M28's ACUs would be overly aggressive.


  • Vortex - several LOUD replays, including one highlighting M28's ACU being too aggressive
  • c04spoon - replay highlighting various torpedo bomber related issues
  • GerJS - Noting that with particular game settings M28 would prevent one of the objectives loading on UEF M6

@maudlin27 It took forever to do the first analysis and every few seconds it froze. no replay, it was unplayable, also ai games don't get recorded, that's why I linked the map name so you could reproduce it. Also, I think the crab is bugged, egg units don't inherit AI status.