M28AI Devlog (v105)

v105 Hotfix

Hotfix with 8 changes (5 of which are LOUD specific):

  • Fixed bug introduced in v104 that meant ACU upgrades would cancel on completion for all players if M28 mod was active
  • Fixed a bug with M28's adjacency build logic that meant it was searching much further away than intended when building adjacent to mexes and hydros that hadn't had construction started
  • Underwater mexes should be treated as being a very weak submarine unit so M28 builds subs earlier on to try and kill them.
  • LOUD specific - added basic support for the new LOUD functionality to allow custom AIs to be selected from the main lobby (which means for the first time M28 and LOUD can play as teammates instead of just opponents); fixed bugs meaning submarines wouldn't be built.


  • Sprouto – including a pull request I drafted (to allow LOUD to support selection of custom AI in the game lobby) into the LOUD code and the latest update
  • Chucups – noting upgrades are cancelled if M28AI mod is active

If i spawn like 20 fatboys and have them shoot at eachother, my game will practicaly stop. Though that might just be projectile calculation, not necesarily anything to do with M28, granted im on an old i5 [email protected]. But playing 10s and 10s of games on the same map, i noticed that when there are UEF's, after 1h30m game will progressively become slower and slower. When there are no UEF's it is a lot better. Naturaly i thought of fatboys because otherwise i dont see anything unusual about UEF except fatboys and their strange projectiles (projectiles hitting fatboy when it explodes, u can just feel everything stop)

Had another game crashed. I played this map in the very same configuration for 30 times without crash. It crashed only 2 times, both times i was streaming through OBS/youtube. Any idea how OBS could somehow mess the SC or affect its ram usage ?


@goblinsly2 Re OBS I don't know, however it does feature in the log which I wasn't expecting, so if the only times its crashing are when you're using it and there are lots of games where it isn't crashing then it sounds like it does impact memory.
One way to test could be to run an M28 vs M28 game as observer for 45m at max game speed with and without OBS, 'afk', making a note of memory usage with and without it, to see if there's a big difference. However even if confirmed I wouldn't know if there was any solution to using OBS with high memory using mods.

I also wonder if that was the cause of the replay itself not being available in the FAF replay vault - if you have access to the local version could you send it over as well (there was an error that repeated at the end of the game and reviewing the code it's not clear to me why it occured so I'd need a replay to investigate further)

Sadly i don't have a replay even in my replay folder, seems it failed to make one after last crash. I will test stream M28 vs M28 on +10 and see how much ram is used by supreme commander. But for some reason i think it might have to do with audio capture. I use a plugin in obs so that i can stream game audio but not system audio - this is because i am chating with friend on skype while he watches the stream and he hears his echo if i dont disable audio output except sc game


Crashed again. I checked both game times since youtube saved my livestream, 1 crashed at 47 min, the other at 49 min. Image is from last game that crashed, showing 1.8GB max
I tried with bots, 6v6, same map, no crash after 1 hour, will try a longer game tomorrow to see if it crashes, one today ended prematurely to see if it would crash.