Today I had an idea. With all the data in the replay vault you could do so many more big data shenanigans. For instance log the total mass (energy, score) acumulated at a point in time for each player. By looking at many ladder games you could first of all sort by avrg rating of the game and see how much acumulated mass at a point in time differs depending on the rating of the players. A question which also interest me is: Where is a 2k player better than a 1.5k player. I suppose the difference will rather show past the 5 min mark because most 1.5k player should be able to learn and perform a BO very similar to a 2k player. Also you should be able to see meta changes over the years on certain maps. Questions like that might be answerable with that additional data.
Now to the small hinderence of actually implementing it. If I am correct the replays would need to be re run. Also the data would need to be logged. I guess that would be done in lua game internally. But then the data would also need to be exported. Not sure if that is possible at the current stage. I suppose the replays could be analyzed in parallel (anyone got a threadripper? ^^)
I think something similar was done in that paper. Unfortunately I did not get accsess to it. Maybe someone knows who wrote it. Pretty sure the author did play quite a bit of FAF: