Weekly Discussion #11 - Make me a poster!
This week's discussion is going to be for purely selfish reasons. The wall above my desk is pretty barren and I thought it'd be a great place to put a giant supcom themed poster!
So I'm going to source some designs from the community! Here are the rules:
- Must be related to Supreme Commander and/or FAF. Could be a screenshot, hand drawn art, logos, 3D renders, anything!
- Must have an aspect ratio of 2:3 or 3:2 and a resolution of at least 1620 x 1080. Higher resolution is preferred but I don't want to exclude those who have 1080p monitors and want to submit screenshots.
- By posting in this thread you assure that you are the author of the image posted, and agree for it to be used as a poster (duh) and in any other FAF media
- No use of modded units
Post your pictures down below! I'll close entries and choose a winner on July 31st at 11:59PM EST.
I'll also post an image of the poster when I get it but understandably this might take a little while.
D Deribus locked this topic on