Unhandled exception almost every time the game exits
I've mentioned this already to @Jip on Discord, though since any Discord discussion is fleeting I thought I'd mention it here instead. Basically almost every time (like 9 out of 10 games) I exit the game, the game does not properly exit. I see the cursor and a black screen and I have to Alt+Tab out of the game, since there is an "Unhandled Exception" window in the background:
This is the full text of the exception:
EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc0000005) at address 0x0090994a attempted to read memory at 0x00000020 Program : C:\ProgramData\FAForever\bin\ForgedAlliance.exe Cmd line arguments : /init init.lua /nobugreport /log C:\ProgramData\FAForever\logs\game_16142459.log /gpgnet /mean 1151.85 /deviation 108.829 /savereplay gpgnet:// /country GB /numgames 135 /numgames 131 Callstack: Unknown symbol (address 0x0090994a) Unknown symbol (address 0x0083ec10) Last 100 lines of log... info: send Ptr: B9DC0002 info: send Ptr: B9DC0002 info: send Ptr: B9DC0002 info: send Ptr: B9DC0002 info: send Ptr: B9DC0002 info: send Ptr: B9DC0002 info: send Ptr: B9DC0002 info: send Ptr: B9DC0002 info: send Ptr: B9DC0002 info: send Ptr: B9DC0002 info: send Ptr: B9DC0002 info: send Ptr: B9DC0002 info: send Ptr: B9DC0002 info: send Ptr: B9DC0002 info: send Ptr: B9DC0002 info: send Ptr: B9DC0002 info: send Ptr: B9DC0002 info: send Ptr: B9DC0002 info: send Ptr: B9DC0002 info: send Ptr: B9DC0002 info: send Ptr: B9DC0002 info: send Ptr: B9DC0002 info: send Ptr: B9DC0002 info: send Ptr: B9DC0002 info: send Ptr: B9DC0002 info: send Ptr: B9DC0002 info: send Ptr: B9DC0002 info: send Ptr: B9DC0002 info: send Ptr: B9DC0002 info: send Ptr: B9DC0002 info: send Ptr: B9DC0002 info: send Ptr: B9DC0002 info: send Ptr: B9DC0002 info: send Ptr: B9DC0002 info: send Ptr: B9DC0002 info: send Ptr: B9DC0002 info: send Ptr: B9DC0002 info: send Ptr: B9DC0002 info: send Ptr: B9DC0002 info: send Ptr: B9DC0002 info: send Ptr: B9DC0002 info: send Ptr: B9DC0002 info: send Ptr: B9DC0002 info: send Ptr: B9DC0002 info: send Ptr: B9DC0002 info: send Ptr: B9DC0002 info: send Ptr: B9DC0002 info: send Ptr: B9DC0002 info: send Ptr: B9DC0002 info: send Ptr: B9DC0002 info: send Ptr: B9DC0002 info: send Ptr: B9DC0002 info: send Ptr: B9DC0002 info: send Ptr: B9DC0002 warning: Connection dialogue opening due to disconnection by players: info: terminated debug: Current gametime: 00:56:30 debug: Current gametime: 00:57:00 info: Block is too late ! warning: Connection dialogue opening due to disconnection by players: info: terminated debug: Current gametime: 00:57:30 info: CWldSession::DoBeat() unknown entity id (0x2ff00162) supplied in a pose update. debug: Current gametime: 00:58:00 debug: Current gametime: 00:58:30 debug: Current gametime: 00:59:00 debug: Current gametime: 00:59:30 info: send Ptr: BADC0002 info: send Ptr: BADC0002 info: send Ptr: BADC0002 info: send Ptr: BADC0002 info: send Ptr: BADC0002 warning: Connection dialogue opening due to disconnection by players: info: send Ptr: BADC0002 info: send Ptr: BADC0002 info: send Ptr: BADC0002 info: terminated info: Sending game result: 10 victory 10 info: GAMERESULT : \000victory 10 info: Sending game result: 12 victory 10 info: GAMERESULT : \000victory 10 info: Sending stats: {"stats":…} warning: Connection dialogue opening due to disconnection by players: info: Block is too late ! info: terminated info: syncing max ping markers: \00015 info: Block is too late ! info: terminated debug: OpenMovie /movies/menu_background.sfd: 412234 debug: Preparing movie /movies/menu_background.sfd: 412234 debug: Preparing movie /movies/menu_background.sfd: 412234 debug: Preparing movie /movies/menu_background.sfd: 412234 debug: Preparing movie /movies/menu_background.sfd: 412234 debug: Preparing movie /movies/menu_background.sfd: 412234 debug: Preparing movie /movies/menu_background.sfd: 412234 info: /init debug: Playing movie c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\supreme commander forged alliance\movies\menu_background.sfd: 412234 info: ren_Oblivion false info: ren_oblivion true info: ren_ui false
(I removed the game stats JSON from the exception)
Everything is normal otherwise I think. The game's result is properly transmitted as far as I can tell for instance.
Any pointers to what could be going wrong here?
The reason I didn't discuss it with you is because it happens after the game ends. It is annoying, but not critical. And I'm confident it is related to your system somehow. Once the debugger is part of the client we can investigate this further. But for now there is not more we can do.
I see, thank you :). And I agree, it's just annoying and not critical.