ftxcommando said in Rating sigma should increase over time:
Stopped playing for 2 years, fell like 150 points in rating, 1 point of deviation a day is too much and will lead to rating manipulation. No one is 100 shown rating worse because they didn’t play for a month
It doesn't have to be 1 point per day; people are welcome to suggest how much the decay should be. Also, 1 point per day would be 30 points in a month; not 100... Regardless, since it would only be the uncertainty that is changing over time, the player isn't losing any base rating and would still be matched fairly.
If players want to manipulate their rating, they can do that now in the span of a few hours. To get the equivalent rating manipulation by taking advantage of decay, they'd save about an hour of their time per year that they waited. Don't complain about a couple of drops in the ocean when ice caps are melting.
ftxcommando said in Rating sigma should increase over time:
Who are these dudes that reach some peak ladder rating and specifically stop because of that btw
You're welcome to look over the data yourself. Also, here's a relevant thread by arch: https://forum.faforever.com/topic/651/ladder-needs-some-form-of-decay
ftxcommando said in Rating sigma should increase over time:
Also don’t mess with a player distribution system to tinker with player activity, terrible misuse of trueskill. Games make leagues on top of their ELO system to incentivize playing the game.
Increasing the uncertainty of the skill level for players who haven't played in a while is a very reasonable thing to do that isn't misusing the system. If anything, it makes the system more accurate. If someone hasn't played the game in 2 years, their rating should be more "uncertain".
Here's a relevant thread by a returning player: https://forum.faforever.com/topic/207/rating-adjustments-for-returning-players
CaptainKlutz said in Rating sigma should increase over time:
how to turn the person that plays 1 ladder game a week into a person that plays 0 ladder games a week
Perhaps you misunderstand. You are welcome to pm me about this. This shouldn't be a negative for people who play 1 ladder game a week.