change mod
trying to change how the mod works Filter Selecttrying to make a function of adding a new unit to a group, not creating a new group.
but not working
if Filters[group] == nil then Filters[group] = {}
full code
local Filters = {} function AddFilterSelection(group) local SelectedUnits = GetSelectedUnits() local Names = {} -- I add this if Filters[group] == nil then Filters[group] = {} -- i comment this --Filters[group] = {} for _,unit in SelectedUnits do local id = unit:GetEntityId() local bp = unit:GetBlueprint() --LOG(repr(bp)) if not isInTable(Filters[group],bp.BlueprintId) then Filters[group][id] = bp.BlueprintId Names[id] = TechCategoryList[bp.TechCategory]..LOC(bp.Description) --Names[id] = bp.General.UnitName end end message = 'Filter contains: ' for _,unitName in Names do message = message..unitName..', ' end print(message) --PrintText(message,28,"ff9161ff",1, 'centerbottom') end