Hey i'm planning on hosting a 2v2 event. There is some lore attached to it, and i want to illustrate it with a cool banner/screenshot.
The event takes place on planet Calypso, where a bunch of rebel commanders hide in the mountains. At the top of the mountain stand the two champions of Calypso. And they fight together when some other commanders challenge them.
So i'm looking for either a screenshot depicting the planet Calypso, a bit like those two ...
Or some pictures of the two ACU fight alongside, or standing at the top of the mountain ... I have found few nice pics in Sid's epic thread, but none is exactly what i'm looking for.
If you have some nice pictures that would fit my description, or you want to contribute and create the picture yourself, please post it below
I'm a bit busy making the rules, and trying to organize it with Morax and casters, that's why I'm calling for help ^^