Suggestions for hidden gems for a trailer
I've made several trailers for various maps in the past:
- Rainmakers:
- Archsimkats Valley:
- Adaptive Moon:
My aim is to make one larger trailer that doesn't focus on one map, but on various maps from various authors. The maps in question should be 'hidden gems', maps that you do not see often but are still very much worth playing. My question to you all is to submit map(s) + replay(s) + timestamp(s) of those maps that you feel should be part of this trailer. I'll pick and choose maps / replays / timestamps as I see fit.
You can make suggestions until the 23rd of June - after that the production will start to kick off!
Pelagial v2 is good navy and highway to hell is a great small 2v2 that dont see much play. It is really nice looking too. For 3v3 there is crash site. Would love to see these maps get some love
Highway to Hell - great suggestion! If you happen to know a good replay or two along with a timestamp then that is appreciated.
Madness of course
On Madness -8-:
#14505181Stamps (around these times)
26:50 cruiser kills strat
28:42 spider wins gameOn Madness -2-:
#14467794Constant action throughout the game.
Around 10:30 min there is a nice ACU dance.
Great trailers so far btw!
Thank you! I liked Madness 2 in the past - another keeper!
Thanks to H-master and Chunky for their suggestions. I've decided to work with the following list:
Gates of Annubis / Osiris - Mozy
The Ganges Chasma / Adaptive Tartarus - BorgCubeJanitor
Selkie Isle - Blodir
Hallnac / Palaneum - Chosen
Adaptive Mars - Svenni_Badbwoi
Highway to Hell / Flaming Saddle - Couchwolf
Adaptive Synthetic - Ajack
Durfait Isles - BullydozerNoob
Oscars Graveyard - Fremy_Speeddraw
Bacarzi Basin - Madmax
Gods of War - Biass
Madnass -2- - H-master
Falcon Stone River - LenkinLily Pads?
Two Step Shuffle?I've looked at previous tournaments and just randomly through the vault. I'm not expecting anymore ideas from people therefore I'm now also closing the suggestions