After i kill commander the game keeps running. I've set it to annihilation/ assassination / supremacy but after I've completely cleared the map of enemy units/ structures the game never ends. Any ideas? Is it a win 10 thing? I've never had this problem with win 7. No mods installed
no endgame
hard to see what the issuse with out a game Log
"The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few" - Spock
shouldn't be windows related,you might want to double check all the starting setting in the lobby,there is a small square that says "hide default options",so you can get a better understanding if it's just the game or the setting you are facing issues from
queuing with a newbie to show him the beauty of tmm and meeting tagada be like:
Well It seems that it's a resolution problem. I lowered the res to 1200 the gradually upped it to 1600 x 900 @ 60. The res of my monitor is 1920X1080 but the problem started again when i retried it at 1920x1080. Dunno why the res affected the gameplay with no graphic glitch.. Seems odd. Works OK at 1680 (last game on Shards)