buff brick and loyalist back to original hp values, nerf loyalist fire rate

the cybran brick and loyalist are 2 weak now, the changes made because most players dont bring their t2 shields into the battle have made cybran t3 weak vs players who use all their units properly. the bricks extra health and the loyalist emp was supposed to be their unique unit ability since they have no mobile shields to interrupt dps like uef, aeon and seraphim, or sniper bots to dps out of range like aeon and seraphim. (uef spearhead is base only)


I'm not really obligated to be the guy to say it, but:

We created this binding ruleset to improve balance posts. It's why when you look at posts nowadays, there is typically some weak copout excuse as to why they didn't attach a replay to the post.

The point of it all isn't necessarily for you to provide a replay, it's because the balance team inevitably stopped paying attention to this place when posts like these were the norm. There isn't much of a point to post here if the balance team doesn't give a shit right? It just devolves into arguing for the hell of it.

This post will not be discussion about the problem you found with balance, but just people trying to "tell" you how to play the game instead. For example:

since they have no mobile shields to interrupt dps

They do, it's called the deceiver.

You're supposed to justify both why a problem exists and also justify some form of solution. You've not done either of this, and instead just assumed a problem exists without proof. You've not told us why nerfing the loyalist ROF will be good for the game if you just wrote a paragraph saying how it's a weak unit.

This applies to your thistle post too.

I don't want to get into rating or anything because I know you complained about it in another thread, just consider putting in at least a modicum of effort in petitioning the balance team before some moderator comes through and wipes your posts without warning...

i like bennis he makes alot of good points that are ignored

This post is deleted!

https://forum.faforever.com/topic/817/proposal-t3-arty-movement , this article professionally provided by FtXCommando provides relevant information to why cybran has issues

@biass can you link the original posts for the justification to why the loyalist and brick were nerfed or point me in the direction of where to find the original justification on my own? I will need to make a replay of testing the deciever and why its only semi functional compared to a shield in direct combat

I’m at my job rn dude, probably just google for faf balance patches and click through until you find the t3 rebalance one

Or maybe someone can link it here - I don’t really see the need to do your work for you

@humanpotatoe said in buff brick and loyalist back to original hp values, nerf loyalist fire rate:

can you link the original posts for the justification to why the loyalist and brick were nerfed or point me in the direction of where to find the original justification on my own?

This isn't even relevant, AT ALL. Like, what are you going to say? "The truth is the opposite of what the balance team decided way back then, so revert the changes." If that's the case, they ALREADY decided you are exactly wrong, long ago.
If you see a balance problem, you just make a rational argument about why the current balance is wrong, with all the evidence you can to prove it. There is no logical reason that understanding why they made past changes would even be relevant if you can't show or even explain any problem right now.