they are technically props that are placed where the marker is and you choose through the options which ones spawn here's the relevant code
function spawnresource(Position,restype, spawnhpr)
--check type of resource and set parameters
local bp, albedo, size, lod;
if restype == "Mass" then
albedo = "/env/common/splats/";
bp = "/env/common/props/massDeposit01_prop.bp";
size = 2;
lod = 100;
albedo = "/env/common/splats/";
bp = "/env/common/props/hydrocarbonDeposit01_prop.bp";
size = 6;
lod = 200;
--create the resource
CreateResourceDeposit(restype, Position[1], Position[2], Position[3], size/2);
--create the resource graphic on the map
if spawnhpr then
CreatePropHPR(bp, Position[1], Position[2], Position[3], Random(0,360), 0, 0);
--create the resource icon on the map
Position, # Position
0, # Heading (rotation)
albedo, # Texture name for albedo
size, size, # SizeX/Z
lod, # LOD
0, # Duration (0 == does not expire)
-1, # Army (-1 == not owned by any single army)
0 # Fidelity