Commander Survival Kit (A new SIM Mod)
Hello Trapper,
I have check it out and notice that Commander Survival Kit Research is currently not compatible with Commander Survival Kit 2.0.1 and 2.0.2 from Github. If you activate Commander Survival Kit Research without the Commander Survival Kit the Research Button will appear again I will look into it to Fix this Issue as soon as possible to etablish the Compatiblity again.Keep in Mind that Commander Survival Kit Research is still highly in Development. So the majority of its Functions is not coded and functional yet. The current Stage of the Mod is actually some kind of an UI Presenation only rn. The UEF has an Prototype of an unfunctional Structure Reserach Tree already but thats it for now. The Development of Commander Survival Kit Research will be continued soon to finish it. So you can expect several new Content Updates related to it soon.
Best regards
Commander Survival Kit Research is now compatible with the Commander Survival Kit again.
The Issue was caused, because the Reseach Centers had the same Unit IDs of the HQ Communication Centers.
So the Game has overwrite them with the HQ Communication Centers and where no longer be available.
I have give them a new Unit ID to fix this Issue
The Fix has been uploaded on Github now. -
Don't worry is anything is alright.
It was just a hint.Ah okay I understand.
Then I was right with the UEF
I don't have learn Russian actually. I only speak and understand German, English and a Bit Spanish.About your Question above:
For which Mod is this Question related to?
FBP Orbital or CSK Units?Each Faction will get their Units in both Mods.
Not only the UEF. But keep in Mind both Mods are fully different in this Case. FBP Orbital is more focused on Space/Orbital Warfare, which includes Spaceships, Spacestations, Orbital Yards and more. CSK Units is more focused on the Planetary Warfare, which includes the new Underground Units such as the Cybran Worms, UEF Drill Tanks and more. Both Mods are including the 3 new Techlevels Elite, Hero and Titan with several specific Units as Well. -
This post is deleted! -
Thanks you! -
Okay and what is your Question for CSK Units specifically?
I didn't understand what you mean with the Fleets?
Seems like you didn't like it so much what I have mentioned in my latest response to you about CSK Units and FBP Orbital maybe but its okay of course. -
This post is deleted! -
Hello everyone,
today I want to present you a new Update related to the Unit Pack of this Project:- Commander Survival Kit Units (CSK Units)
This Unit pack is currently available in Early Access on my Github Repository only, because it is still in Development.
3 New Techlevels:
The Mod expands the Game with 3 new Techlevels which are called:- Elite
- Hero
- Titan
Elite Units are basically the large Tech 3 Super Heavy Units
Hero Units are Heros of the Factions such as Brackman, Colonel Arnold and so on. Including with a few new ones by myself.
Titan Units are basically super Experimentals for example the Avalance from Total MayhemNew Cooperation Units by Cory Freeman:
I have successfully Contact Cory Freeman a 3D Artist on Artstation who had Work on two Unit Pack Mods. One for Supreme Commander Forged Alliance and the other one for Supreme Commander 2 in Detail. However both never had reached the Final Stage for an Release and has been scrapped. I have ask him to get the full Permission to Get, Edit and Use these Models for the Commander Survival Kit Project. He gave me the Permission and has send the Model Files which where created in 3D Max and I have found an Blender Plugin to Open .max Files in Blender. his Models will finally see the Light of the World in the Commander Survial Kit Project. Several Models are excellent and their Parts can be used for several other new Designs and Units in the future.
Here is the First Wave of them:
'Bronx Mark IV' - Cybran Elite Super Heavy Tank
A large armored Heavy Tank, which is armed with an 3 Barrel Proton Cannon Turret. It comes with 3 additional Secondary Rapid Fire Impulse Laser Turrets, which have two Barrels. The Tank is currently buildable by Tech 3 Engineers or SACU's but this will be changed with the introduction of the Elite Factories later.
'T-7C Icrarus' - UEF Tech 3 Armored Support Amphibious Tank
An armored amphibious tank with an unusual design. He is armed with an dual Rapid Fire Plasma Cannon and two Cluster Missile Battery Launchers. The Tank is buildable from an Tech 3 Land Factory.
With the Model of the Bronx Mark IV I have create already several nice looking Vehicles for the Cybrans
For example the:'Bronx Mark I' - Tech 1 Light Tank
A small assault Tank, which is armed with an single Proton Cannon Turret. This Tank is the First Version of the Cybran Bronx Class Tank Series . Can be build in an Tech 1 Land Factory. Design of the Chassis is created by myself.
Terminator Mark II Version A ' - Tech 2 Medium Tank Bot A Tank Bot, which is armed with two Laser Cannons.
Both Cannons are causing 50 Damage per Shot and have an slower Rate of Fire. Can be build in an Tech 2 Land Factory.
New Design of the Terminator Mark II Version B - Tech 2 Heavy Tank Bot.
The old Design can be seen here:
'Hunter Killer Mark I' - Cybran Tech 1 Assault Tank Bot
The first Model of the Hunter Killer (HK) Tank Bot Series of the Cybrans This Unit is armed with two Iridium Laser Gatling Cannons.
'Hunter Killer Mark II' - Tech 2 Assault Tank Bot
The First Successor of the Hunter Killer (HK) Tank Bot from Tech 1
This Unit is armed with two Improved Iridium Laser Gatling Cannons. Can be build in an Tech 2 Land Factory and higher.
Of course more Cybran Vehicles are coming soon
For the players and fans of Heldivers 2 among you,
I also have something to show you as well'Emancipator' - UEF Tech 3 Multifunctional Support Bot
A Support Mech, which is focused on Ground and Anti Air Combat. Design is based on the Patriot/Emancipator Exosuit from the Game Helldivers 2. Has access to the Weapon Random System and Enhancement Upgrades. This Mech is buildable in an Tech 3 Land Factory.
These Units are now available in Early Access on GitHub and included in the Mod: Commander Survival Kit Units (short CSK Units).
Commander Survival Kit Version 2.0.2:
The next upcoming Version 2.0.2 of the Commander Survival Kit will be released soon. It will contains alot of Bug Fixes for the FAF Version of the Game, The first supported Language Translation: German (Localization) A few new callable things and Improvements
However that is not all Version 2.0.2 will be available on the FAF Modvault as well. The previous Version was simple to large to upload it on the FAF Modvault and I was able to reduce the Size of the Mod from 710 MB to 336 MB by removing two Folders which where no longer be needed. The FAF Modvault has an upload Limit for Mods of 200MB so if there are larger they will be not uploaded. Version 2.0.2 is with nearly 51 MB if compressed below of this Limit, which makes the Upload functional again.Two new upcoming Submods:
Commander Survival Kit Tutorials:
The Tutorial Videos of the Helpcenter for both Managers will be included in their own small Submod which is called: Commander Survival Kit Tutorials. So the Helpcenter will be usually not available if you don't activate this Submod next to of the Commander Survival Kit.Commander Survival Kit Timeos:
This is a new small Standalone Mod, which introduce 3 new Lobby Options into the Game.
The Player will be able to set the Wait Times, when these following Techlevels will be unlocked:Tech 2, Tech 3 and Experimental
Elite, Hero and Titan will be supported later if CSK Units is releasedYou will be able to set the Wait Times from 5 Minutes to 2 Hours
How does this Mod works:
The Player and the AI will start with Tech 1 first.
The other Techlevels will be unlocked once their specific Wait Times are exceeded.To know which Techlevel will be unlocked next you can see it with this small Panel next to of the Economy Panel.
It shows the new Techlevel and the Gametime when this Techlevel is going to be unlocked.
CSK Timeos is currently available on my Github Repository as Early Access for Testing and will be released on Moddb and on the FAF Modvault soon. It works with the Vanilla AIs, M28, AI-Uveso and more.
Stay tuned for upcoming Updates and the Annoucement of the Releases.
Best regards
CDRMV - Commander Survival Kit Units (CSK Units)