Help with a Mod idea
I have recently gotten into modding and have figured out changing unit values. I want to create a new unit (Sera t4 structure) but am wondering how to do it. Specifically:
How do others create the physical unit? ChatGPT said blender, is that true and is it hard? I can tell a lot of units are mashes of parts and particle effects from units that are already in the game. Could I go about doing the same?
How do I add it to the game such that its in the build options for the engineers?
Probably the fastest way to learn how to mod FAF is to look at other mods that do what you want to do.
Open the mod folder and just look at how things are structured and play around with changing values ect. thats pretty much how I learned and I have no prior modding experiance.
but yes creating a new unit from scratch would require blender or similar program fyi you need a pretty beefy pc to run those programs.
An easier method is just to pick a unit already on the game and change it to fit your desired purpose, the possabilities are endless with whats already in the game.
I recommend joining the mod discord as its full of very experianced modders and blender ninjas that may be willing to help you.
I second that come join the discord
it's more active over there with people that can help, I have personally made many models for faf and discord is my preferred way to provide help