Commander Survival Kit (A new SIM Mod)
Hello everyone,
I want to present you two new Cybran Air Units which are now available in the Early Access Version of CSK: Units on my GitHub Repository.'Neronit' - Tech 3 Torpedo Bomber
A new Torpedo Bomber Drone Series, which is armed with these following Weapons:- 1x Nanite Torpedo Launcher (Fires two Nanite Torpedos which cause 500 Damage)
- 2x 4 Barrel EMP Laser Blasers (these Cannons Stun the Enemy Naval Unit for an short time)
This Bomber has the same Health like the Aeon Tech 3 Bomber and costs the same. Can be build in the Tech 3 Air Factory. The Design is based on an unused Concept Artwork for an Cybran Air Unit by TJFrame
'Rodanit' - Experimental Fighter/Bomber
The first Cybran Air Experimental has arrived in the Mod. This Air Unit is basically an Hybrid of an Ground Attack Fighter and an Bomber.
So it can be used to Intercept enemy Air Experimentals. It is armed with these following Weapons:- 2x 4 Barrel Heavy EMP Laser Blasters (Stuns several enemy Land Units on Impact)
- 2 Cousair Missile Launchers (Can fire 9 Missiles)
- 1x EMP Flux Nuclear Bomb
- 4x Anti Air Nanite Missile Launchers
- 1x Anti Air Microwave Laser (Only Targets enemy Air Experimentals)
The Rodanit is buildable by Tech 3 Engineers and Tech 3 SACU's. The Design of this Unit is based on an unused Concept Artwork of an Cybran Air Unit by TJFrame.
The Rodanit - Tech 3 Experimental Fighter/Bomber and the Experimental Bombers of the other Factions will be callable by the new upcoming Experimental Bomber Air Strike in the Fire Support Manager Air Strike Section of the Commander Survival Kit. However this Air Strike will be not callable by Default and Optional in this Case. So a new Lobby Option will be added to the Commander Survival Kit for this where you can set this Air Strike to be callable or not in your Matches if you wish it.Stay tuned for more upcoming Updates.
Best regards
Hello everyone,
I was recently informed that the current version of the Commander Survival Kit on the FAF Modvault is not fully compatible with the latest version of FAF.
This means that some features may not work correctly.However, the upcoming new version on Github, which is currently in its Latest Development Stage, works with the current version of FAF. So If you want to play the Commander Survival Kit with the new upcoming features in early access, I recommend downloading and installing the Github version.
Here is the Link to the official Github Repository:
Install Instructions:
Download the Zip File (Green Button called "Code")
Click on the Option: "Download Zip"
Open the Downloaded Zip File
You should see a Folder called: Commander-Survival-Kit-main inside it.Navigate/Open the Commander-Survival-Kit-main Folder
Now you should see three Folders:
- documentation
- mods
- gamedata
The Folder documentation can be Ignored that one is relevant for the upcoming GitHub Wiki of this Mod.
Since your are playing FAF the mods Folder is the one which is Important for you only.
You don't need to install the two .scd Files from the included gamedata Folder and can be fully ignored as well.Open the mods Folder and copy the Commander Survival Kit Folder into the FAF Mods Folder.
The official Unit Pack of this Project: Commander Survival Kit Units can be installed in Early Access as well
It is available on this Github Repository as well and included in the mods Folder of the Downloaded Zip File.Start the Game and activate the Mod in the Mod Manager
The upcoming new official version of Commander Survival Kit 1.20 is currently 98% completed.
So it will definitely be released at the end of this Month or in February on Moddb and on the FAF Modvault.So stay tuned for more Updates and News related to this.
If you need help with the Installation of the Mod from my Github Repository let me know.
Best regards
Hello everyone,
I just want to let you know that a new Article will be released on Moddb today.
The Article is focused on the Release Date of Version 2.0 of the Commander Survival Kit and give you an Overview about its Features.To make it short:
The new Version 2.0 of CSK will be released on 28 February on Moddb and on the FAF Modvault.Best regards
Hello everyone :),
the new Version (2.0) of the Commander Survival Kit has been finally released on Moddb now.
You can download the Mod here:Installer: (7Zip): out its Readme about its Features:
Readme.pdfNext to of the Features above this Version contains alot of Fixes and other Improvements.
For any AI Developer, who want to make it Compatible:
The File below is probably useful for you to see, which Categories are used in this Mod.
It was requested in the past by @Rama
CSK-Categories.pdfThe Mod is compatbel with all Gameversions:
- Steam
- CD
- Loud
For Steam, CD and Loud only you will need to install the required SCD Files, which can be installed by the Installer as well.
You will be asked in the Installer at the End of the Installation of the Mod to install the required SCD Files.
This will start an additional Installer for them.This new Version will be released soon on the FAF Modvault as well.
Currently I have an Issue to upload it (Its to large it seems - Size Limit?)Have fun with it and looking forward for you Feedback
Stay tuned for future Updates or News.
Best regards
Because the new version (2.0) of the Commander Survival Kit is much larger than the previous one. Unfortunately, this cannot be uploaded to the FAF Modvault.
You can therefore only get the new Version via Moddb. I have also published a 7zip version on Moddb now You can find the Link above, if you don't want to install the mod via the installer.
After all, there are good reasons not to want to run someone else's. exe on your own computer. -
Hello everyone,
there was a small Mistake in Version 2.0 related to the new Support Panel.The two following Tooltips Command Point Storage and Command Point Income should be called Reinforcement Point Storage and Reinforcement Point Income.
Thier description had this Mistake as wellThis has been fixed in the Hotfix Release 2.0.1, which has been released now.
So the two Download Variations on Moddb has been updated.
Just download and install the Mod to get the Fix.Best regards
Men 1 question:"Why it so hard?1 on one site,2 on another,3 on 3"
Why it not in 1 site?
This post is deleted! -
honestly I don't fully understand what you mean.
Can you please explain to me in detail what you mean?If you mean the Layout:
The Layout of both Managers is already located on 1 Side which is the Left Side in this Case. Of course this makes the whole thing easier to use for left-handed people. So I can understand that right-handed people have a harder time. I am already aware of this and want to implement the following in the future:I Plan to add an alternative Layout which is sperated into the Left and Right Side as following:
Fire Support Manager on the Left Side
Reinforcement Manager on the Right SideOr do you mean the 4 Techlevel Sections for the Land, Air and Naval Reinforcement Managers?
There is the Reason why it has been seperated into these 4 Techlevel Sections. First to make the whole thing more Sorted in General, which means Tech 1 Units only in the Tech 1 Section, Tech 2 Units only in the Tech 2 Section and so on. Second I plan to add Support for Units from other Unit Mods as callable Reinforcements in the future such as from CSK Units, Blackops, Brewlan, 4th Dimension and more. A single Techlevel Section Like the previous one in 1.71, which includes all Units from each Techlevel would be overloaded with alot of available Units really fast. Eventually it would make the Icons much smaller, unsorted and the prices unreadable. So as an Result it would make it much Harder for you to indentify them at the End. At Last that is actually a consequence, which I have in Mind.
It is actually more easier and faster to just click on the Forward and Back Buttons to Switch these Techlevel Sections to the one you want. But of course that is a matter of taste. What I can suggest for an improvement in the future is that the tech level section you are currently on is saved. This means that if you open the respective reinforcement manager again later, you will be on the Techlevel page/section you were on before. At the moment, when you open a reinforcement manager, you always start in the Tech 1 section and have to move forward/back to the section you had. This is probably not practical in the long term, which I understand.
An another Implementable Solution could be to add an new Lobby Option where you can Set the Techlevel Section to be seperated into the 4, which we have now or to an Single one which includes all available callable Reinforcement Units Independent from their Techlevel.
The 4 Techlevel Sections, which we have now is what I prefere personally so it will be the Default Value for this new Lobby Option. So If you want the Single Techlevel Section you will be able to Set it in the Lobby directly with this new Lobby Option before you start a Match.I think this is probably a better Solution, because it will give you and other people the possibility to set what they prefere more in this aspect.
It has nothing to do with being hard, but rather a question of how it has been implemented so far. With the 4 tech level sections, I thought it would make more sense to only contain the callable reinforcements units that belong to these tech levels instead of having a single one which includes all of them. But as I Said previously that is an Matter of Taste. Of course, I am open to any suggestions and criticism. As always I will also make sure that the mod is user-friendly and configurable as possible with each Version. For this reason, I have given you the two suggestions above to implement them into a future Version of the Commander Survival Kit.
I am therefore curious what you say about these.
See you soon.
Best regards