Current connection problems (Preferred Coturns for ICE)
Playing is currently not possible. Connections are not established or you get a timeout or players randomly lose the connection in the game.
I am aware of the DDoS problem, but could the person responsible deactivate all “coturn servers” except for “US East” to see if it gets better?
There were a lot of connection problems some time ago and the Germany 1 was probably crashed / out of memory error.
Would suggest a test without coturn servers, but after my tests some time ago, it seems to need at least one coturn server, otherwise no connections can be established in general.
It can't get any worse than it currently is.
Btw: Practicing the weeks where “Global” didn't exist, I usually had very good connections and hardly any problems while playing.
US East has the same problems as all other coturns. We tried a very long test set yesterday.
Our self hosted coturns are less reliable than using 3rd party ones. But much worse: the ice adapter (more precise the underlying library) is much more often failing to provide the important self-reflexive and relay candidates than 3rd party browser Turn test apps.
The relay is not needed that often, but if you don't get s self reflexive candidate (aka your own public ip) no connection can be made at all.
Why did it work in the past? We don't know. We use the same ice4j as in the past. We use the same coturn and even tried alternative tools like eturnal yesterday with the same results (even tried different linux distros and a different hoster).