Friday Night Giant Robot Battle: Beer league recurring group interested in adding a couple bodies
ARE YOU an avid fan of SupCom and BlackOps?
ARE YOU interested in a recurring Friday Night game group based in North America?
ARE YOU chill with playing with mediocre old people who complain about stalling their eco and how bullshit restorer death balls are when they could have just built flak?
ARE YOU comfortable using DISCORD and do you know what misophonia is, and how to set up push to talk?If so, our group may be interested in meeting you!
We have been playing as a group every week for a number of years now, but life happens and we're down a few members and would like to get our weekly average back up to around 8 folks or so (we're at 5 or 6 currently). I asked about you, so here are some things about us:
WE typically play using BlackOps mod, and play a variety of larger two-team or three-team maps (depending on numbers) and the occasional FFA or Phantom X games when we have odd numbers. Team games usually have decapitation on so you are still in until all your team ACUS are dead.
WE start at 6:30Pacific/9:30Eastern and usually get 2 or 3 games in depending on length and brain power.
WE are not pros, we are not Joes. We are somewhere in between mostly? If you don't consider yourself that good, we will happily give you tips. If you can scrub the floor with most people by minute 20 in a Setons game, you'll probably not find us terribly challenging.
WE don't play a lot of meta maps like Dual Gap, Astro or YSNP, though sometimes Setons is cool.
WE aren't here to discuss politics, but fair's fair we lean a little left on average (though we have some awesome conservative folk who ain't bigots) so no sense coming back for voice chat every week if you're not down with people being people, and robots being robots.
WE swear and drink. By god, we do, but lets not get so absolutely shitcanned you can't play.PM me if you're interested, or reply below to mock or ask questions and we'll figure something out. Don't make me regret this like I regret posting things on Facebook Marketplace, by god.