Replay Desync

I was looking through a replay that desynced as 1 player left the game and then noticed that there are normal replays and local replays and wondered what the differance was and then thought what if faf could save a version of the game that it knows to be true on your own computer as the game played out as you saw it because the game itself didnt desync.

TML is a meme

Replays often desync when a player drops, unfortunately.

yes, what im trying to say is that faf could create a unique replay for each player local to their computer as the game itself isnt desynced, only when the replay system tries to align all the different data from mutliple players it doeasnt work.

so you would end up with several unique replays that could vary slighty but be 99% accurate compared to a full desync with each player reseiving there own version.

TML is a meme

This is exactly what FAF is doing. Your local replay stream is saved locally, and the "consensus" replay is saved on the FAF server. "Consensus" means that this is the replay that matches the majority of the players still connected.

"Nerds have a really complicated relationship with change: Change is awesome when WE'RE the ones doing it. As soon as change is coming from outside of us it becomes untrustworthy and it threatens what we think of is the familiar."
ā€“ Benno Rice