FAQ about gameplay || Feedback welcome

As a beginner these rules of thumb are extremely helpful.
Some more questions from me:

What are some good army compositions for each faction/tech?
At what point in the game (both for 1v1 and large map team games) should I retreat my com to avoid getting sniped?
When and how to use tactical missile launchers? Are they worth it for sniping T2 mexes?
When should I go for a gun upgrade, when for T2?

I wish the guide would tell new players that they don't have to be "good" to play matchmaker in some way or form. Low ratings exist for a reason.

I also think your subs section doesn't quite reflect the current reality of navy balance.

Still, good stuff!

It's a guide for players looking to improve. If players have fun at their skill level, there is no need to think about on how to get better.

Also feel free to correct the sub-part and tell me your opinion. This ain't a balance thread so there will be things which are not 100% correct, but I kept it simple due to the lower rated players it's directed to.

Required rating for participation in balance talks when?

Thank you for this post @Sladow-Noob, it was most helpful.

These answers are great!
I got a few more questions:

  • How to capitalize on air superiority?
  • I lost air superiority, what to do? (maybe split this into 1v1 and team games with a dedicated air player)
  • How to use stealth?
  • An explanation of the factory alt-move reclaim trick could be useful for beginners. For me it looked more like a bug than a useful feature at first.
  • Maybe a list of common strategies (for example T1 spam, T2 rush) and short one sentence answers on how to react to them. If your opponent does X, you should do Y.
  • An explanation on overcharge mechanics. I could not find that in the database. How much damage is dealt? How much energy is required? How many energy storages should I build?

@bentusi I think the latest numbers regarding overcharge and storages are on this page: https://patchnotes.faforever.com/balance/3761.html

Since I'm unfamiliar with unit health numbers off the top of my head though, the figures above don't mean much to me and I use a simpler rule of thumb:

1 storage for overcharging T1 armies
2 storages when fighting T2
a few more when fighting T3 (although I should try to avoid that since it's risky)
Quite a lot of storages if I make billy nuke on uef com

Having enough energy available to OC has become more important since this patch, it feels like it's no longer quite as cheap, so remember, you can and should quickly pause energy hungry stuff if you find yourself unable to fill the storage in a firefight. Shift+drag select the part of the base you can afford to shut down and hit tab to do so

Thanks for the answer! I think someone mentioned it does less damage against buildings and ACUs, is that correct? And could I theoretically one-shot an experimental? It is always hard to find current information on things like this without reading a lot of patchnotes (many tutorial videos are years old and possibly out of date) or asking someone who knows. That's why I think having this on the wiki would be really beneficial.

damage maxes out at 15k so no you can’t one shot a t4

@Bentusi Finally had the time to add the section. I hope that answers every question around the OC

Required rating for participation in balance talks when?

Short bump to this inviting players to ask more things I should add to the FAQ or to discuss/disagree with current takes. Otherwise I'll mark this project as "Done" and won't change for quite a while.

On the same note I'll work on the Airguide next, so feel free to drop or DM me some questions. Here is a random video where I was playing air as a reference. If you take a look, feel free to drop specific questions about it as well!

Required rating for participation in balance talks when?

@Sladow-Noob UI mods ofc :Kappa:

“Be a yardstick of quality. Some people aren’t used to an environment where excellence is expected.”
— Steve Jobs.
My UI Mods

What about ‘how to use [common unit/unit type] general tips, and focusing on some of the more common of the ‘harder for new player to use well’ units?

As examples of the sort of things Im thinking:
auroras - my assumption (but I hardly ever use them outside of my AI because I find them difficult) is they need a land scout to get the most from their range, should be given attack move orders to advance (so they dont get too close to the enemy), and should try and move away from the enemy to kite them if the enemy is advancing, with a new player tip being that as they have hover you should avoid reissuing move orders frequently as hover units can often temporarily move forwards when told to move back.

Strat bombers would be another example - times when they’re good to build; needing to be far enough away when giving the attack order so they drop their bomb; how targeting the enemy air player’s t2 power (if unshielded and they dont have t3 air) can be effective with 1 early strat bomber; while more generally t2 mexes make good targets as they can be one-shot

mobile shields - i.e. clicking assist on a unit vs giving general move order as part of a wider selection vs formation move vs individually moving (im assuming the assist option is preferable for apm limited players)

Also whether the same approach is suggested for using deceivers

how to use aurora: make blaze

expand the team games section

how resource overflow mechanics work

how/when giving structures/units makes sense

some real team-play approaches, instead of just happening to be the same "Team" but everybody mind their own business

there is certainly a lot obvious but also more than that....