45$ "Supreme Battle Royale 8" 2 players on team

Deksters (1200) + Nyacroz (900) = 2100

PhantomSamurai (1700) Crypteck(1300) = name team Arex

solo signup

MadCat + lilSidlil = 1043 + 2011 = 3 054
team bombim

Rjksxtd(800)+ Harlequin(1200) =name Team CyberDno

@lilsidlil как тебя занесло в этот тур? XD

"Good luck and a safe landing commanders!"

@treefolknoob said in 45$ "Supreme Battle Royale 8" 2 players on team:

@lilsidlil как тебя занесло в этот тур? XD



GG WP, it was really funny

“Be a yardstick of quality. Some people aren’t used to an environment where excellence is expected.”
— Steve Jobs.
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Gutsy_Heart 1400

Lets gooooo