Most unfortunate, thank you for the clear answer!
RE: Offline campaign doesn't work
RE: Offline campaign doesn't work
I don't want the coop. I just want to be able to play the campaign normally through the campaign menu with the FAF changes but every time I win a mission I don't get the accept win pop up that comes at the end and I am stuck in cut scene mode and I can zoom in and zoom out, other than that the game runs alright.
RE: Offline campaign doesn't work
I have tried with Cybran and the same thing happens, I get to the end and I am stuck in the cut scene mode.
I open FAF client, there is a small little button at the bottom play offline. near remember me Then the game starts normally, I go to campaign and play the first mission normally, I have the FAF assets because I have the tier 3 anti air robot, I have the weapon details on the unit card
If I start the game from C:\ProgramData\FAForever\bin then no objectives appear like in the post I mentioned above. -
RE: Offline campaign doesn't work
My issue seems to be but sometimes I also have the objectives and can go right to the end and just get stuck in the cut scene after killing the seraphim ACU and winning.
I am also playing as Aeon. I will try a Cybran campaign now to see if it reproduces. -
RE: Offline campaign doesn't work
My issue is not happening because of save/load. I open the game offline from the launcher and I can't finish a map. I play from start to finish in 1 session.
RE: Offline campaign doesn't work
I am not playing the custom campaign, I am playing the regular campaign. I have tried again and at the end of the first forged alliance mission I defeat the seraphim commander and I just see my units moving and it doesn't go on to the victory screen and I can't do anything else, I can zoom out and zoom in and I don't have the UI
Offline campaign doesn't work
I opened the game from the path C:\ProgramData\FAForever\bin and the missions don't have objectives at all. I also tried playing from the launcher before logging in with offline mode and I get stuck at random cut scenes and the game doesn't progress.
I would like to be able to save the game and continue at a different time.Do you have any ideas why this might be happening?