Having tried a few times to get into the pvp of FAF, the main thing I keep running into is players either being very hostile to newer, low rated, and especially grey players, as well as not understanding how the trueskill system works and entirely trusting game quality, resulting in new or grey players having a terrible experience since often if you're lucky enough to get into a game it'll be stacked against you. Another thing is how when you're grey you still impact the ratings of others fully, so players who've got a decent rating will refuse to play ranked games with greys lest they ruin their own rating.

RE: Why would you have left FAF?
RE: Read-only sections on the forum
that would actually be very interesting. You hear a lot of balance talk, but relatively little from the balance team and their reasons for things, and it can make some things apparent that otherwise go unnoticed by most and make what can feel like meaningless nerfs/buffs