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RE: Shadowlorda1's Seraphim Campaign Missions
Shadowlorda1's Seraphim Campaign Missions
Hello!! I am the creator of the Seraphim campaign missions on the FAF client. I am posting new beta versions of the missions with several major changes. I wanted to tailor these missions to more a "single" player experience and reduced the amount of enemies you end up fighting. However to insure the missions can still be difficult I have made the AI more adaptive. You spam PD, they spam MML. You spam air, they counter with AA and ASF Etc. This way if your looking for a challenge there still is one.
That being said I need more public testing to polish and refine the missions before they go up on the main client. Im looking for people play on hard to tell me where improvements can be made, and I'm looking for people to play on easy to see where I need to reduce even more for a causal experience.
If you find bugs or issues please reply to this post with the Debug log and what problems you had. Thank you!Along with the 4 Seraphim Missions I have done so far, I also have two coalition missions that play the other side of my campaign and the story going on. Blockade is the reverse of Yath-Aez and Holy raid is a different operation going on in my story. Give those a try with feedback!
To play the missions You download the maps, put them in the FAF maps folder, go to coop, host any random mission and manually select one of the missions.
The most update versions of the missions will be posted in the Uploads tab of this discord :https://discord.gg/ayzAVr9JUV