ok, after some poking around, i have found someone else with the same exit code, with them the run file is messed up, they had incorrect caps and 2 slashes where only 1 should be. Now i am not certain what the run file is or how it should look, where can i see what this is so i can see if one i have it and two if it is done correctly?
RE: trying to run fa forever on ubuntu
RE: trying to run fa forever on ubuntu
@spikeynoob i am interested in trying this script, where might i find it?
RE: trying to run fa forever on ubuntu
@blackjaguar i will never go back to windows, microsoft can drop dead along with google and any other outfit like them.
trying to run fa forever on ubuntu
i am attempting to get the game to run but something is amiss, getting and exit code of 127.
info: Client version: 2023.12.1
info: Game version: 3777
info: Game type: faf
info: Process - priority set to: 'high'
info: Process - affinity set to: 4092
info: Loading custom vault path: %USER_PROFILE%/My Games/Gas Powered Games/Supreme Commander Forged Alliance
info: mounting content: effects.nx2
info: mounting content: env.nx2
info: mounting content: etc.nx2
info: mounting content: loc.nx2
info: mounting content: lua.nx2
info: mounting content: meshes.nx2
info: mounting content: projectiles.nx2
info: mounting content: textures.nx2
info: mounting content: units.nx2
info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'z:\home%USER%.faforever\gamedata\effects.nx2', mounted as '/'
info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'z:\home%USER%.faforever\gamedata\env.nx2', mounted as '/'
info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'z:\home%USER%.faforever\gamedata\etc.nx2', mounted as '/'
info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'z:\home%USER%.faforever\gamedata\loc.nx2', mounted as '/'
info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'z:\home%USER%.faforever\gamedata\lua.nx2', mounted as '/'
info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'z:\home%USER%.faforever\gamedata\meshes.nx2', mounted as '/'
info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'z:\home%USER%.faforever\gamedata\projectiles.nx2', mounted as '/'
info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'z:\home%USER%.faforever\gamedata\textures.nx2', mounted as '/'
info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'z:\home%USER%.faforever\gamedata\units.nx2', mounted as '/'
info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'c:\users\steamuser\appdata\local\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance', mounted as '/preferences/'
info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'z:\media%USER%\c7bc1375-e91a-4547-98aa-4f5778d5d3a1\steamlibrary\steamapps\common\supreme commander forged alliance\movies', mounted as '/movies/'
info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'z:\media%USER%\c7bc1375-e91a-4547-98aa-4f5778d5d3a1\steamlibrary\steamapps\common\supreme commander forged alliance\sounds', mounted as '/sounds/'
info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'z:\media%USER%\c7bc1375-e91a-4547-98aa-4f5778d5d3a1\steamlibrary\steamapps\common\supreme commander forged alliance\maps', mounted as '/maps/'
info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'z:\media%USER%\c7bc1375-e91a-4547-98aa-4f5778d5d3a1\steamlibrary\steamapps\common\supreme commander forged alliance\fonts', mounted as '/fonts/'
debug: Loading module: /lua/mods.lua
debug: -> Loading module: /lua/system/setutils.lua
info: MD5 of global settings: d2a23d6464d3fd77956e7648c43b5077
info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/aeonselect.xwb") => false
debug: Wavebank prepared: 2c71430
debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'aeonselect' at 2c71430
info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/ambienttest.xwb") => false
debug: Wavebank prepared: 2c71560
debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'ambienttest' at 2c71560
info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/cybranselect.xwb") => false
debug: Wavebank prepared: 2c71690
debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'cybranselect' at 2c71690
info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/explosions.xwb") => false
debug: Wavebank prepared: 2c717c0
debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'explosions' at 2c717c0
info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/explosionsstream.xwb") => true
debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'explosionsstream' at 2c718f0
info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/fmv_bg.xwb") => true
debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'fmv_bg' at 2c72a58
info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/impacts.xwb") => false
debug: Wavebank prepared: 2c73bc0
debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'impacts' at 2c73bc0
info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/interface.xwb") => false
debug: Wavebank prepared: 2c73cf0
debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'interface' at 2c73cf0
info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/music.xwb") => true
debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'music' at 2c73e20
info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/op_briefing.xwb") => true
debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'op_briefing' at 2c74f88
info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/seraphimselect.xwb") => false
debug: Wavebank prepared: 2c760f0
debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'seraphimselect' at 2c760f0
info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/uaa.xwb") => false
debug: Wavebank prepared: 2c76220
debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'uaa' at 2c76220
info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/uaadestroy.xwb") => false
debug: Wavebank prepared: 2c76350
debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'uaadestroy' at 2c76350
info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/uaaweapon.xwb") => false
debug: Wavebank prepared: 2c76480
debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'uaaweapon' at 2c76480
info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/uab.xwb") => false
debug: Wavebank prepared: 2c765b0
debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'uab' at 2c765b0
info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/ual.xwb") => false
debug: Wavebank prepared: 2c766e0
debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'ual' at 2c766e0
info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/ualdestroy.xwb") => false
debug: Wavebank prepared: 2c76810
debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'ualdestroy' at 2c76810
info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/ualweapon.xwb") => false
debug: Wavebank prepared: 2c76940
debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'ualweapon' at 2c76940
info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/uas.xwb") => false
debug: Wavebank prepared: 2c76a70
debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'uas' at 2c76a70
info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/uasdestroy.xwb") => true
debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'uasdestroy' at 2c76ba0
info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/uasweapon.xwb") => false
debug: Wavebank prepared: 2c77d08
debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'uasweapon' at 2c77d08
info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/uea.xwb") => false
debug: Wavebank prepared: 2c77e50
debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'uea' at 2c77e50
info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/ueadestroy.xwb") => false
debug: Wavebank prepared: 2c77f80
debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'ueadestroy' at 2c77f80
info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/ueaweapon.xwb") => false
debug: Wavebank prepared: 2c780b0
debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'ueaweapon' at 2c780b0
info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/ueb.xwb") => false
debug: Wavebank prepared: 2c781e0
debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'ueb' at 2c781e0
info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/uefselect.xwb") => false
debug: Wavebank prepared: 2c78310
debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'uefselect' at 2c78310
info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/uel.xwb") => false
debug: Wavebank prepared: 2c78440
debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'uel' at 2c78440
info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/ueldestroy.xwb") => false
debug: Wavebank prepared: 2c78570
debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'ueldestroy' at 2c78570
info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/uelweapon.xwb") => false
debug: Wavebank prepared: 2c786a0
debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'uelweapon' at 2c786a0
info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/ues.xwb") => false
debug: Wavebank prepared: 2c787d0
debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'ues' at 2c787d0
info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/uesdestroy.xwb") => true
debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'uesdestroy' at 2c7a320
info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/uesweapon.xwb") => false
debug: Wavebank prepared: 2c78900
debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'uesweapon' at 2c78900
info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/unitrumble.xwb") => false
debug: Wavebank prepared: 2c78a30
debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'unitrumble' at 2c78a30
info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/unitsglobal.xwb") => false
debug: Wavebank prepared: 2c78b60
debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'unitsglobal' at 2c78b60
info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/ura.xwb") => false
debug: Wavebank prepared: 2c78c90
debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'ura' at 2c78c90
info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/uradestroy.xwb") => false
debug: Wavebank prepared: 2c78dc0
debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'uradestroy' at 2c78dc0
info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/uraweapon.xwb") => false
debug: Wavebank prepared: 2c78ef0
debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'uraweapon' at 2c78ef0
info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/urb.xwb") => false
debug: Wavebank prepared: 2c79020
debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'urb' at 2c79020
info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/url.xwb") => false
debug: Wavebank prepared: 2c79150
debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'url' at 2c79150
info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/urldestroy.xwb") => false
debug: Wavebank prepared: 2c79280
debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'urldestroy' at 2c79280
info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/urlweapon.xwb") => false
debug: Wavebank prepared: 2c793b0
debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'urlweapon' at 2c793b0
info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/urs.xwb") => false
debug: Wavebank prepared: 2c794e0
debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'urs' at 2c794e0
info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/ursdestroy.xwb") => true
debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'ursdestroy' at 2c7b488
info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/ursstream.xwb") => true
debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'ursstream' at 2c7c5f0
info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/ursweapon.xwb") => false
debug: Wavebank prepared: 2c79610
debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'ursweapon' at 2c79610
info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/xaa_weapon.xwb") => false
debug: Wavebank prepared: 2c79740
debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'xaa_weapon' at 2c79740
info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/xab.xwb") => false
debug: Wavebank prepared: 2c79870
debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'xab' at 2c79870
info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/xal.xwb") => false
debug: Wavebank prepared: 2c799a0
debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'xal' at 2c799a0
info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/xal_weapon.xwb") => false
debug: Wavebank prepared: 2c79ad0
debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'xal_weapon' at 2c79ad0
info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/xas.xwb") => false
debug: Wavebank prepared: 2c79c00
debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'xas' at 2c79c00
info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/xas_weapons.xwb") => false
debug: Wavebank prepared: 2c79d30
debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'xas_weapons' at 2c79d30
info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/xea.xwb") => false
debug: Wavebank prepared: 2c79e60
debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'xea' at 2c79e60
info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/xea_weapons.xwb") => false
debug: Wavebank prepared: 2c79f90
debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'xea_weapons' at 2c79f90
info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/xeb.xwb") => false
debug: Wavebank prepared: 2c7a0c0
debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'xeb' at 2c7a0c0
info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/xel.xwb") => false
debug: Wavebank prepared: 2c7a1f0
debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'xel' at 2c7a1f0
info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/xel_weapons.xwb") => false
debug: Wavebank prepared: 2c7d770
debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'xel_weapons' at 2c7d770
info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/xes.xwb") => false
debug: Wavebank prepared: 2c7d8a0
debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'xes' at 2c7d8a0
info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/xes_destroy.xwb") => true
debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'xes_destroy' at 2c7fc40
info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/xes_weapons.xwb") => false
debug: Wavebank prepared: 2c7d9d0
debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'xes_weapons' at 2c7d9d0
info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/xra.xwb") => false
debug: Wavebank prepared: 2c7db00
debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'xra' at 2c7db00
info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/xra_weapon.xwb") => false
debug: Wavebank prepared: 2c7dc30
debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'xra_weapon' at 2c7dc30
info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/xrb.xwb") => false
debug: Wavebank prepared: 2c7dd60
debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'xrb' at 2c7dd60
info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/xrl.xwb") => false
debug: Wavebank prepared: 2c7de90
debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'xrl' at 2c7de90
info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/xrl_stream.xwb") => true
debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'xrl_stream' at 2c80da8
info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/xrl_weapon.xwb") => false
debug: Wavebank prepared: 2c7dfc0
debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'xrl_weapon' at 2c7dfc0
info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/xrs.xwb") => false
debug: Wavebank prepared: 2c7e0f0
debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'xrs' at 2c7e0f0
info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/xrs_weapon.xwb") => false
debug: Wavebank prepared: 2c7e220
debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'xrs_weapon' at 2c7e220
info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/xsa.xwb") => false
debug: Wavebank prepared: 2c7e350
debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'xsa' at 2c7e350
info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/xsa_destroy.xwb") => false
debug: Wavebank prepared: 2c7e480
debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'xsa_destroy' at 2c7e480
info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/xsa_weapon.xwb") => false
debug: Wavebank prepared: 2c7e5b0
debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'xsa_weapon' at 2c7e5b0
info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/xsb.xwb") => false
debug: Wavebank prepared: 2c7e6e0
debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'xsb' at 2c7e6e0
info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/xsb_weapon.xwb") => false
debug: Wavebank prepared: 2c7e810
debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'xsb_weapon' at 2c7e810
info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/xsl.xwb") => false
debug: Wavebank prepared: 2c7e940
debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'xsl' at 2c7e940
info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/xsl_destroy.xwb") => false
debug: Wavebank prepared: 2c7ea70
debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'xsl_destroy' at 2c7ea70
info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/xsl_weapon.xwb") => false
debug: Wavebank prepared: 2c7eba0
debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'xsl_weapon' at 2c7eba0
info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/xss.xwb") => false
debug: Wavebank prepared: 2c7ecd0
debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'xss' at 2c7ecd0
info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/xss_destroy.xwb") => true
debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'xss_destroy' at 2c81f10
info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/xss_weapon.xwb") => false
debug: Wavebank prepared: 2c7ee00
debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'xss_weapon' at 2c7ee00
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'ambienttest'
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'explosions'
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'fmv_bg'
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'impacts'
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'interface'
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'music'
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'op_briefing'
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'seraphimselect'
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'uaa'
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'uaadestroy'
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'uaaweapon'
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'uab'
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'ual'
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'ualdestroy'
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'ualweapon'
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'uas'
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'uasdestroy'
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'uasweapon'
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'uea'
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'ueadestroy'
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'ueaweapon'
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'ueb'
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'uel'
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'ueldestroy'
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'uelweapon'
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'ues'
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'uesdestroy'
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'uesweapon'
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'unitrumble'
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'unitsglobal'
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'ura'
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'uradestroy'
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'uraweapon'
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'urb'
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'url'
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'urldestroy'
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'urlweapon'
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'urs'
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'ursdestroy'
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'ursstream'
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'ursweapon'
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'xaa'
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'xaa_weapon'
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'xab'
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'xal'
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'xal_weapon'
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'xas'
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'xas_weapon'
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'xca'
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'xcb'
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'xcl'
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'xcs'
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'xea'
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'xea_weapon'
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'xeb'
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'xel'
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'xel_weapons'
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'xes'
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'xes_destroy'
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'xes_weapons'
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'xra'
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'xra_weapon'
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'xrb'
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'xrl'
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'xrl_destroy'
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'xrl_stream'
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'xrl_weapon'
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'xrs'
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'xrs_weapon'
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'xsa'
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'xsa_destroy'
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'xsa_weapon'
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'xsb'
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'xsb_weapon'
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'xsl'
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'xsl_destroy'
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'xsl_weapon'
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'xss'
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'xss_destroy'
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'xss_weapon'
debug: MEM: -21557416 bytes SND
info: MD5 of global settings: d2a23d6464d3fd77956e7648c43b5077
info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/voice/us/briefings.xwb") => true
debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'briefings' at 2ca0978
info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/voice/us/seraphim_language.xwb") => true
debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'seraphim_language' at 2ca1ae0
info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/voice/us/x01_vo.xwb") => true
debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'x01_vo' at 2ca2c48
info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/voice/us/x02_vo.xwb") => true
debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'x02_vo' at 2ca3dc8
info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/voice/us/x03_vo.xwb") => true
debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'x03_vo' at 2ca3f28
info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/voice/us/x04_vo.xwb") => true
debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'x04_vo' at 2ca4088
info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/voice/us/x05_vo.xwb") => true
debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'x05_vo' at 2ca41e8
info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/voice/us/x06_vo.xwb") => true
debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'x06_vo' at 2ca4348
info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/voice/us/x1t_vo.xwb") => true
debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'x1t_vo' at 2ca44a8
info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/voice/us/x_fmv.xwb") => true
debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'x_fmv' at 2ca4608
info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/voice/us/xgg.xwb") => true
debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'xgg' at 2ca4768
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'briefings'
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'x01_vo'
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'x02_vo'
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'x03_vo'
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'x04_vo'
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'x05_vo'
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'x06_vo'
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'x1t_vo'
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'x_fmv'
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'xgg'
debug: MEM: -796091502 bytes SND
info: MD5 of global settings: d2a23d6464d3fd77956e7648c43b5077
debug: MEM: -796091502 bytes SND
debug: Loading module: /lua/sim/buffdefinitions.lua
debug: -> Loading module: /lua/sim/adjacencybuffs.lua
debug: -> -> Loading module: /lua/sim/adjacencybufffunctions.lua
debug: -> Loading module: /lua/sim/cheatbuffs.lua
debug: Loading module: /lua/user/prefs.lua
debug: -> Loading module: /lua/options/optionslogic.lua
debug: Loading module: /lua/ui/uiutil.lua
debug: -> Loading module: /lua/lazyvar.lua
debug: -> Loading module: /lua/maui/layouthelpers.lua
debug: -> Loading module: /lua/maui/group.lua
debug: -> -> Loading module: /lua/maui/control.lua
debug: -> Loading module: /lua/maui/text.lua
debug: -> Loading module: /lua/maui/multilinetext.lua
debug: -> Loading module: /lua/maui/button.lua
debug: -> -> Loading module: /lua/maui/bitmap.lua
debug: -> -> Loading module: /lua/maui/dragger.lua
debug: -> Loading module: /lua/maui/edit.lua
debug: -> -> Loading module: /lua/utf.lua
debug: -> Loading module: /lua/ui/controls/checkbox.lua
debug: -> Loading module: /lua/maui/radiobuttons.lua
debug: -> -> Loading module: /lua/maui/checkbox.lua
debug: -> -> Loading module: /lua/maui/border.lua
debug: -> Loading module: /lua/maui/scrollbar.lua
debug: -> Loading module: /lua/maui/cursor.lua
debug: -> Loading module: /lua/ui/controls/border.lua
debug: -> -> Loading module: /lua/ui/controls/ninepatch.lua
debug: -> Loading module: /lua/maui/itemlist.lua
debug: -> Loading module: /lua/skins/layouts.lua
debug: -> Loading module: /lua/ui/controls/popups/popup.lua
debug: -> -> Loading module: /lua/ui/dialogs/eschandler.lua
debug: -> -> -> Loading module: /lua/system/utils.lua
debug: -> Loading module: /lua/ui/controls/popups/inputdialog.lua
debug: -> Loading module: /lua/skins/skins.lua
debug: -> Loading module: /lua/maui/window.lua
info: adding font file /fonts/arial.ttf
info: adding font file /fonts/arialbd.ttf
info: adding font file /fonts/arialbi.ttf
info: adding font file /fonts/ariali.ttf
info: adding font file /fonts/arialn.ttf
info: adding font file /fonts/arialnb.ttf
info: adding font file /fonts/arialnbi.ttf
info: adding font file /fonts/arialni.ttf
info: adding font file /fonts/ariblk.ttf
info: adding font file /fonts/arlrdbd.ttf
info: adding font file /fonts/butterbe.ttf
info: adding font file /fonts/vdub.ttf
info: adding font file /fonts/wintermu.ttf
info: adding font file /fonts/zeroes_3.ttf
debug: Loading module: /lua/keymap/keynames.lua
debug: Loading module: /lua/keymap/keymapper.lua
debug: -> Loading module: /lua/keymap/keydescriptions.lua
debug: Loading module: /lua/keymap/defaultkeymap.lua
debug: Loading module: /lua/keymap/keyactions.lua
debug: Loading module: /lua/keymap/debugkeyactions.lua
debug: Loading module: /lua/options/options.lua
debug: -> Loading module: /lua/usermusic.lua
info: Compiled shader: /effects/cartographic.fx
info: Compiled shader: /effects/frame.fx
info: Compiled shader: /effects/mesh.fx
info: Compiled shader: /effects/particle.fx
info: Compiled shader: /effects/primbatcher.fx
info: Compiled shader: /effects/range.fx
info: Compiled shader: /effects/sky.fx
info: Compiled shader: /effects/terrain.fx
info: Compiled shader: /effects/ui.fx
info: Compiled shader: /effects/vision.fx
info: Compiled shader: /effects/water2.fx
debug: Wavebank prepared: 2c718f0
debug: Wavebank prepared: 2c72a58
debug: Wavebank prepared: 2c73e20
debug: Wavebank prepared: 2c74f88
debug: Wavebank prepared: 2c76ba0
debug: Wavebank prepared: 2c7a320
debug: Wavebank prepared: 2c7b488
debug: Wavebank prepared: 2c7c5f0
debug: Wavebank prepared: 2c7fc40
debug: Wavebank prepared: 2c80da8
debug: Wavebank prepared: 2c81f10
debug: Wavebank prepared: 2ca0978
debug: Wavebank prepared: 2ca1ae0
debug: Wavebank prepared: 2ca3dc8
debug: Wavebank prepared: 2ca3f28
debug: Wavebank prepared: 2ca4088
debug: Wavebank prepared: 2ca41e8
debug: Wavebank prepared: 2ca4348
debug: Wavebank prepared: 2ca44a8
debug: Wavebank prepared: 2ca4608
debug: Loading module: /lua/maui/frame.lua
debug: Loading module: /lua/ui/uimain.lua
debug: -> Loading module: /lua/multiplayer/onlineprovider.lua
debug: -> Loading module: /lua/ui/campaign/campaignmanager.lua
debug: Loading module: /lua/ui/splash/splash.lua
debug: -> Loading module: /lua/maui/movie.lua
debug: OpenMovie /movies/thqlogo.sfd: 1
debug: Preparing movie /movies/thqlogo.sfd: 1
debug: Preparing movie /movies/thqlogo.sfd: 1
debug: Preparing movie /movies/thqlogo.sfd: 1
debug: Preparing movie /movies/thqlogo.sfd: 1
debug: Preparing movie /movies/thqlogo.sfd: 1
debug: Preparing movie /movies/thqlogo.sfd: 1
debug: Wavebank prepared: 2ca2c48
debug: Wavebank prepared: 2ca4768
debug: Playing movie z:\media%USER%\c7bc1375-e91a-4547-98aa-4f5778d5d3a1\steamlibrary\steamapps\common\supreme commander forged alliance\movies\thqlogo.sfd: 4
debug: OpenMovie /movies/fmv_scx_intro.sfd: 49
debug: Preparing movie /movies/fmv_scx_intro.sfd: 49
debug: Preparing movie /movies/fmv_scx_intro.sfd: 49
debug: Preparing movie /movies/fmv_scx_intro.sfd: 49
debug: Preparing movie /movies/fmv_scx_intro.sfd: 49
debug: Preparing movie /movies/fmv_scx_intro.sfd: 49
debug: Preparing movie /movies/fmv_scx_intro.sfd: 49
debug: Playing movie z:\media%USER%\c7bc1375-e91a-4547-98aa-4f5778d5d3a1\steamlibrary\steamapps\common\supreme commander forged alliance\movies\fmv_scx_intro.sfd: 51
debug: Loading module: /lua/ui/menus/main.lua
debug: -> Loading module: /lua/maui/effecthelpers.lua
debug: -> Loading module: /lua/ui/game/tooltip.lua
debug: -> -> Loading module: /lua/ui/help/tooltips.lua
debug: -> Loading module: /lua/ui/maputil.lua
debug: -> -> Loading module: /etc/faf/mapblacklist.lua
debug: -> Loading module: /lua/version.lua
debug: Loading module: /lua/ui/game/gamemain.lua
debug: -> Loading module: /lua/ui/game/wlduiprovider.lua
debug: -> Loading module: /lua/ui/game/gamecommon.lua
debug: -> Loading module: /lua/ui/controls.lua
debug: -> Loading module: /lua/ui/game/chat.lua
debug: -> -> Loading module: /lua/uiutilssorian.lua
debug: -> -> Loading module: /lua/ui/controls/combo.lua
debug: -> -> Loading module: /lua/maui/slider.lua
debug: -> -> Loading module: /lua/factions.lua
debug: -> -> Loading module: /lua/ui/notify/commands.lua
debug: -> Loading module: /lua/shared/observable.lua
debug: Loading module: /lua/ui/dialogs/profile.lua
debug: [uiutil.lua, function UIFile()] - Unable to find file:/textures/ui/uef/scx_menu/profile/panel_bmp.dds
info: Unable to load texture from file: /scx_menu/profile/panel_bmp.dds
debug: [uiutil.lua, function UIFile()] - Unable to find file:/textures/ui/uef/scx_menu/panel-brackets/bracket-ul_bmp.dds
info: Unable to load texture from file: /scx_menu/panel-brackets/bracket-ul_bmp.dds
debug: [uiutil.lua, function UIFile()] - Unable to find file:/textures/ui/uef/scx_menu/panel-brackets/bracket-ur_bmp.dds
info: Unable to load texture from file: /scx_menu/panel-brackets/bracket-ur_bmp.dds
debug: [uiutil.lua, function UIFile()] - Unable to find file:/textures/ui/uef/scx_menu/panel-brackets/bracket-ll_bmp.dds
info: Unable to load texture from file: /scx_menu/panel-brackets/bracket-ll_bmp.dds
debug: [uiutil.lua, function UIFile()] - Unable to find file:/textures/ui/uef/scx_menu/panel-brackets/bracket-lr_bmp.dds
info: Unable to load texture from file: /scx_menu/panel-brackets/bracket-lr_bmp.dds
debug: [uiutil.lua, function UIFile()] - Unable to find file:/textures/ui/uef/scx_menu/panel-brackets/bracket-glow-ul_bmp.dds
info: Unable to load texture from file: /scx_menu/panel-brackets/bracket-glow-ul_bmp.dds
debug: [uiutil.lua, function UIFile()] - Unable to find file:/textures/ui/uef/scx_menu/panel-brackets/bracket-glow-ur_bmp.dds
info: Unable to load texture from file: /scx_menu/panel-brackets/bracket-glow-ur_bmp.dds
debug: [uiutil.lua, function UIFile()] - Unable to find file:/textures/ui/uef/scx_menu/panel-brackets/bracket-glow-ll_bmp.dds
info: Unable to load texture from file: /scx_menu/panel-brackets/bracket-glow-ll_bmp.dds
debug: [uiutil.lua, function UIFile()] - Unable to find file:/textures/ui/uef/scx_menu/panel-brackets/bracket-glow-lr_bmp.dds
info: Unable to load texture from file: /scx_menu/panel-brackets/bracket-glow-lr_bmp.dds
debug: [uiutil.lua, function UIFile()] - Unable to find file:/textures/ui/uef/scx_menu/small-btn/small_btn_up.dds
info: Unable to load texture from file: /scx_menu/small-btn/small_btn_up.dds
info: Unable to load texture from file: /scx_menu/small-btn/small_btn_up.dds
info: Unable to load texture from file: /scx_menu/small-btn/small_btn_up.dds
info: Unable to load texture from file: /scx_menu/small-btn/small_btn_up.dds
info: Unable to load texture from file: /scx_menu/small-btn/small_btn_up.dds
debug: [uiutil.lua, function UIFile()] - Unable to find file:/textures/ui/uef/small-vert_scroll/back_scr_mid.dds
info: Unable to load texture from file: /small-vert_scroll/back_scr_mid.dds
warning: Scrollbar:SetTextures couldn't load background: /small-vert_scroll/back_scr_mid.dds
debug: [uiutil.lua, function UIFile()] - Unable to find file:/textures/ui/uef/small-vert_scroll/bar-mid_scr_over.dds
info: Unable to load texture from file: /small-vert_scroll/bar-mid_scr_over.dds
warning: Scrollbar:SetTextures couldn't load thumbMiddle: /small-vert_scroll/bar-mid_scr_over.dds
debug: [uiutil.lua, function UIFile()] - Unable to find file:/textures/ui/uef/small-vert_scroll/bar-top_scr_up.dds
info: Unable to load texture from file: /small-vert_scroll/bar-top_scr_up.dds
warning: Scrollbar:SetTextures couldn't load thumbTop: /small-vert_scroll/bar-top_scr_up.dds
debug: [uiutil.lua, function UIFile()] - Unable to find file:/textures/ui/uef/small-vert_scroll/bar-bot_scr_up.dds
info: Unable to load texture from file: /small-vert_scroll/bar-bot_scr_up.dds
warning: Scrollbar:SetTextures couldn't load thumbBottom: /small-vert_scroll/bar-bot_scr_up.dds
debug: [uiutil.lua, function UIFile()] - Unable to find file:/textures/ui/uef/small-vert_scroll/arrow-up_scr_up.dds
info: Unable to load texture from file: /small-vert_scroll/arrow-up_scr_up.dds
debug: [uiutil.lua, function UIFile()] - Unable to find file:/textures/ui/uef/small-vert_scroll/arrow-down_scr_up.dds
info: Unable to load texture from file: /small-vert_scroll/arrow-down_scr_up.dds
debug: [uiutil.lua, function UIFile()] - Unable to find file:/textures/ui/uef/scx_menu/small-btn/small_btn_dis.dds
info: Unable to load texture from file: /scx_menu/small-btn/small_btn_dis.dds
info: Minimized true
info: Minimized false
info: Run time: 0h01m32s