@cocAurico As someone who has an active AI on vault, I can assure you that the updates are not going to be noticed. Updates this late in the game are not for the implementation of some game winning/full proof strategy, they are fixing small bugs, etc. The bugs dont crop up from the moment the game starts, they might only crop up in a certain situation, when a certain platoon or threat warning is triggered. You wouldn't want, as an example, the AI near your opponent having a major bug issue and imploding, and the one near you ready to kick ass. It goes without saying that you would want that AI fixed. As for the preparing part against the AI. They are adaptive, and when you add another human team in there, or even alter the races, their gameplay can change. So what you feel and see now might not be what you feel and see when the tournament starts, not because of an update, but because the AI is allocating its resources to fight a constantly changing threat. And since you cannot predict/know how the other human team is going to react, you will not be able to naildown/recreate the AI style. I think you should trust, that whatever updates happen, it is for the benefit of all involved.