@magge Thanks! I thought that was the original problem but i turned the music off anyway.
RE: Game crashes somewhere after 15 minutes
RE: Game crashes somewhere after 15 minutes
I managed to fix it. I had to go in the registry and there adjust where my user>documents is located. I changed it to be on my regular C : drive. I tested it and i played a game without crashing. Thanks everyone!
RE: Game crashes somewhere after 15 minutes
I managed to get the crash report from forged alliance by dragging it with alt tab to a new desktop:
EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc0000005) at address 0x0289d220
attempted to read memory at 0xe0000000Program : C:\ProgramData\FAForever\bin\ForgedAlliance.exe
Cmd line arguments : /init init.lua /nobugreport /log C:\Users\Qja_r\AppData\Roaming\Forged Alliance Forever\logs\game_18357399.log /gpgnet /mean 1500.0 /deviation 500.0 /savereplay gpgnet:// /country NL /numgames 0 /numgames 0Callstack:
Unknown symbol (address 0x0289d220)Last 100 lines of log...
debug: Detected an AI with skirmish systems: ARMY_2, enabling AI functionality
info: * OnCreateAI: AIPersonality: (medium)
debug: Detected an AI with skirmish systems: ARMY_3, enabling AI functionality
info: * OnCreateAI: AIPersonality: (medium)
debug: Detected an AI with skirmish systems: ARMY_4, enabling AI functionality
info: * OnCreateAI: AIPersonality: (medium)
debug: Detected an AI with skirmish systems: ARMY_5, enabling AI functionality
info: * OnCreateAI: AIPersonality: (medium)
debug: Detected an AI with skirmish systems: ARMY_6, enabling AI functionality
info: * OnCreateAI: AIPersonality: (medium)
debug: Detected an AI with skirmish systems: ARMY_7, enabling AI functionality
info: * OnCreateAI: AIPersonality: (medium)
debug: Detected an AI with skirmish systems: ARMY_8, enabling AI functionality
warning: NUM PROPS = 5182
debug: Active mods in sim: \000
info: Hooked /lua/ui/game/gamemain.lua with /mods/noshake/hook/lua/ui/game/gamemain.lua
info: cam_ShakeMult 0
warning: SND: Error playing cue 1 on bank 40 [ursstream]
XACT: Invalid arg
info: d3d_WindowsCursor on
info: Cam_Free off
debug: [uiutil.lua, function UIFile()] - Unable to find file:/textures/ui/uef/icons/units/ura0001o_icon.dds
debug: [uiutil.lua, function UIFile()] - Unable to find file:/textures/ui/uef/icons/units/ura0002o_icon.dds
debug: [uiutil.lua, function UIFile()] - Unable to find file:/textures/ui/uef/icons/units/ura0003o_icon.dds
debug: [uiutil.lua, function UIFile()] - Unable to find file:/textures/ui/uef/icons/units/ura0004_icon.dds
debug: [uiutil.lua, function UIFile()] - Unable to find file:/textures/ui/uef/icons/units/zxa0001_icon.dds
info: creating medium fidelity terrain
info: creating low fidelity water
info: range_RenderHighlighted true
info: range_RenderSelected true
info: range_RenderBuild true
info: cam_DefaultMiniLOD 1.8
info: creating medium fidelity terrain
info: creating low fidelity water
info: cam_DefaultMiniLOD 0
info: res_AfterPrefetchDelay 100
info: res_PrefetcherActivityDelay 1
info: ui_RenderCustomNames 0
info: UI_ForceLifbarsOnEnemy 0
info: SC_FrameTimeClamp 6.0606060028076
info: /savereplay
info: Exe GitSHA: e35f167
debug: Current gametime: 00:00:00
info: Exe GitSHA: e35f167
info: Exe GitSHA: e35f167
warning: SND: Error playing cue 1 on bank 5 [music]
XACT: Invalid arg
info: Exe GitSHA: e35f167
info: Exe GitSHA: e35f167
info: Exe GitSHA: e35f167
info: Exe GitSHA: e35f167
info: Exe GitSHA: e35f167
info: Exe GitSHA: e35f167
info: *AI DEBUG: ARMY \0002\000: Initiating Archetype using ChallengeMain
info: *AI DEBUG: ARMY \0003\000: Initiating Archetype using ChallengeMain
info: *AI DEBUG: ARMY \0004\000: Initiating Archetype using ChallengeMain
info: *AI DEBUG: ARMY \0005\000: Initiating Archetype using ChallengeMain
info: *AI DEBUG: ARMY \0006\000: Initiating Archetype using ChallengeMain
info: *AI DEBUG: ARMY \0007\000: Initiating Archetype using ChallengeMain
info: *AI DEBUG: ARMY \0008\000: Initiating Archetype using ChallengeMain
warning: GetResource: Invalid name ""
info: Can't find texture "" -- trying fallback.
warning: GetResource: Invalid name ""
info: Can't find texture "" -- trying fallback.
warning: GetResource: Invalid name ""
info: Can't find texture "" -- trying fallback.
info: Minimized false
info: Minimized true
debug: Current gametime: 00:00:30
warning: GetResource: Invalid name ""
info: Can't find texture "" -- trying fallback.
warning: GetResource: Invalid name ""
info: Can't find texture "" -- trying fallback.
warning: GetResource: Invalid name ""
info: Can't find texture "" -- trying fallback.
info: Minimized false
debug: Current gametime: 00:01:00
info: AIGetMarkerLocationsEx 20 markers for Land Path Node
info: AIGetMarkerLocationsEx 16 markers for Water Path Node
info: AIGetMarkerLocationsEx 26 markers for Air Path Node
info: AIGetMarkerLocationsEx 32 markers for Amphibious Path Node
debug: Current gametime: 00:01:30
debug: Current gametime: 00:02:00
debug: Current gametime: 00:02:30
debug: Current gametime: 00:03:00
debug: Current gametime: 00:03:30
debug: Current gametime: 00:04:00
debug: Current gametime: 00:04:30
debug: Current gametime: 00:05:00
debug: Current gametime: 00:05:30
debug: Current gametime: 00:06:00
warning: SND: Error playing cue 1 on bank 5 [music]
XACT: Invalid arg
debug: Current gametime: 00:06:30
debug: Current gametime: 00:07:00
info: CWldSession::DoBeat() unknown entity id (0x2ff001df) supplied in a pose update.
debug: Current gametime: 00:07:30
debug: Current gametime: 00:08:00
debug: Current gametime: 00:08:30
debug: Current gametime: 00:09:00
debug: Current gametime: 00:09:30
debug: Current gametime: 00:10:00
debug: Current gametime: 00:10:30 -
RE: Game crashes somewhere after 15 minutes
@deletethis thanks for the reply! I adjusted my previous comment to be more clear. I just looked again at the logs and i that some files are indeed in one drive. I have a new pc and i has no idea the user/appdata files are now in one drive. Ill try to adjust this when i get back home.
RE: Game crashes somewhere after 15 minutes
@magge Thanks for your reply. First i verified game cache intergity in steam and it still keeps crashing. Then tried reinstalling Forged alliance and the crashes still keep happening I can still try and install FaF.
Game crashes somewhere after 15 minutes
I dont know what is causing it. Here is the log game_18341783.log
Thank you so much if you are able to help. I would really like to play again after 11 years.