I'm getting the same issue lately unable to join a game just gets stuck on connecting and nothing else happens. Any suggestions its also happening with host in same country.
Using the latest client build v2022.3.0 installed few days ago. Windows7 64 Bit PC.
Best posts made by Heavenly
RE: game stuck on connecting scren
posted in Game Issues and Gameplay questions •
RE: Cannot connect or host anymore?
posted in Game Issues and Gameplay questions •
I can host a game but don't think anyone can join and cannot join any other game in the lobby. Did some testing on 2 pcs games will connect in the lobby if I choose in the settings>FAF>prefered coturns for ice> the IC adaptor for US on both PCS. When you remove and choose the Aus or none default Ice adaptor you cannot connect to join the lobby. Is this a known issue?